You are not alone in chasing dramas | Super rammed Korean dramas, watching autism lawyers, how to win a lawsuit! "Extraordinary Lawyer Yu Yingzhen"

There are cute pictures of sperm whales everywhere, keep up with popular Korean dramas, watch autistic lawyers, and how to win lawsuits! "Extraordinary Lawyer Yu Yingzhen"
Image source: Stone brother drawing; photo taken from Netflix

You are not alone in chasing dramas | Super rammed Korean dramas, watching autism lawyers, how to win a lawsuit! "Extraordinary Lawyer Yu Yingzhen"

Watch a movie, follow a drama, go to the screen, and feel the life of others!


Good day, my friend, I am Brother Stone - your career mentor . When I opened Netflex last night, I don't know why this Korean drama caught my eye: "The Very Lawyer Yu Yingzhen" 이상한변호사우영우; although the Korean says the name is the same in both mindfulness and reflexology, in fact the Mandarin pronunciation is It's different, "Yu Yingzhen(ㄒㄩˊ)", and he even used words that Brother Shitou almost didn't recognize.
However, seeing the "autistic" lawyer reminded me of "I am a relic organizer" , which should be a very inspiring film, and immediately started a 16-episode drama chasing journey. Therefore, today Brother Stone will take you to the movie to reflect, if that autistic girl were you and your child, what would you do? Several pictures that come into view are quite heart-wrenching. Really, giving more warmth, encouragement, and empathy to disadvantaged friends in the society, so that she can live more freely, is the foundation of life.

❤️Same scene in Kajang: You are not alone in chasing dramas | Take you to comprehend life and face death together! "I'm a Relic Organizer"

♟ Recommended movie: "The Very Lawyer Woo Young Jin" · Netflex
♟ Push pit index: ★★★★★
♟ Recommendation reasons: 1. See how a beautiful and wise autistic lawyer overcomes her difficulties and outside discrimination one by one. 2. There are only 16 episodes, and each episode is an inspiring story, which is worthy of your favorite episodes.

Image source: Stone brother drawing; photo taken from Netflix

[See how a beautiful and wise autistic trainee lawyer overcomes the current difficulties]

After watching an episode, I suddenly thought that I might have such a little symptom? Because every thing I do, it is easy to immerse myself in the whole situation and forget about myself. For example, when I am driving, I focus on the car with a 135-degree arc angle in front of me. When you chat with me, you may think that I am quite derailed. The content is not clear; for example: I am used to listening to 5~10 minutes of audio lessons before going to bed in the morning and evening. If you chat with me at the moment, you may find that I only have my body here, and my soul will hardly pay attention to you. It is like chasing dramas. of focus.

Today, I will share the heart-wrenching scene of Brother Stone after watching the first episode:

🎯 1. Memorable moments:

Yu Young-min (played by Park Eun-bin) is five years old and still can't speak. After his father took him to the hospital for examination, the preliminary doctor diagnosed him as a child with high autism. When she was walking back to the door of the rental house, she met the landlord, so the other party and her father had a misunderstanding dispute, which scared her unexpectedly. In a miraculous moment... She unexpectedly said the relevant provisions of the crime of criminal law injury, What a memorable moment for my father. I was quite worried when I saw it.

🎯 2. Whale stories that can be talked about forever:

I don't know if children with autism will have claustrophobia attacks in the closed carriage, but when Yu Yingzhen was about to report to the office, he gently pulled his toes back in the carriage and held his hands tighter to show She was restless. Fortunately, she should have undergone nearly 20 years of training, and imagined herself swimming with sperm whales, making the whole picture of sperm whales and trains look extra warm.

Note: In the process of judging the case, the cute animation of sperm whales appeared from time to time, like the iron that was suspected to be the murder weapon, and the shape was simply dumbfounded.

Image source: Stone brother drawing; photo taken from Netflix

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🎯 3. Never walk to the opposite revolving door:

The rookie lawyer Yu Yingzhen (ㄒㄩˊ) came to the law firm where he was going to report, and he followed the revolving door and turned it out no matter how he went. For normal people like you and me, going through a revolving door is an easy thing to do, but it's such a nuisance for a child with autism. Fortunately, I met Li Junhao (played by Jiang Taiwu), a handsome lawyer from the litigation team. He saw it and quickly came forward to lead Yu Yingzhen through the journey, and then taught her to use dance steps 1, 2, 3...1, 2, 3. The rhythm of ..1, 2, 3... can be traversed. Of course, several interactions between Yu Yingmin and Li Junhao in the play also produced a subtle emotional exchange between them. (What happens next? Sorry, I haven't caught up with the show yet...)

🎯 Fourth, convinced the supervisor who discriminated against her in the workplace:

On the first day of Yu Yingzhen's report, her supervisor Zheng Mingshuo (played by Jiang Qiyong) directly complained to layer Feng, hoping to replace her. What do you think of the number one autism lawyer? It is impossible for her to appear in court, face the communication dialogue of the litigant...etc. However, through Yu Yingzhen's subtle observation and judgment of the case, a murder case became a conviction for injury, and she had to be treated differently by her superiors.

❤️A cup of 55-dollar American coffee that you are accustomed to is a lesson opportunity for disadvantaged children to turn their lives ↓↓↓
🍁Click me and the link will be: "Admiration, a light for disadvantaged children in remote villages", a cup of coffee to support Brother Stone!

【in conclusion】

🎯 Going to the screen and feeling the life process of others is also a kind of learning.
What would you do if your family, your child, had autism? When I saw this beautiful, wise and brave autistic lawyer, I was a little saddened by what happened to her, but for her courageous step out of the house, bravely standing up in court to defend others, and cute and innocent like a penguin The way he walked, I deeply praised this trainee lawyer, which further strengthened my determination to set up a foundation to help disadvantaged children and do "Free Remedial Teaching" ten years later. How about you? How do you feel after watching it? Welcome to leave a message and share in the message area, let us move towards a better self.

🔥Follow up, Brother Stone, take you to have fun in the workplace and a happy life!

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