"Where We Want to Go" Hopes and dreams brought by virtual currency

The first novel of Korean monster rookie Zhang Liuzhen challenged the theme of virtual currency, and it was very enjoyable and exciting to read!
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Zhang Liuzhen , who is known as a Korean monster newcomer, has won my heart for the first published work "Live Your Life From Now on" , especially the theme of the workplace is particularly fascinating. Before reading this new work, just seeing the author's name I decided to read it carefully, and when I opened it, I realized that it turned out to be a long workplace novel. The whole story was strung together in a first-person diary style. In addition to the plot and dialogue, the rhythm also fluctuated with the ups and downs of virtual currency. Pushing forward continuously, it is as exciting as riding a roller coaster. The speed of the eyeballs and the speed of turning the pages of the fingers are perfectly matched, and I enjoy the process of dreaming in one go, which is truly yearning.

The helplessness and dreams of social animals

As three female employees who have no background and are still shouldering loans, facing the lack of improvement in performance appraisals and the pitiful salary increase every year, they can't help but feel helpless in life, and they can only rely on each other to enter the company on the same ladder and complain to each other. To vent her emotions, accidentally one of the female employees stepped into the world of virtual currency, which opened her eyes and gave a distinct image to the originally gloomy future.

However, can virtual currency, an investment field that has not been fully accepted by society, really be recognized by others? Will it be considered a scam? Should I tell a good colleague? What was their reaction? The author also designed positive and negative opinions and reactions in the novel, and presented the real world's views on virtual currency truthfully.

Is it a sin to want to make money?

Everyone is sure that getting paid through work is a legitimate channel. However, when the unfriendly workplace makes us feel disheartened, earning money through other channels becomes an option that is eagerly sought after. When many people are relying on part-time jobs to earn extra money At the time, there was actually a group of people who hoped to get rich by investing in virtual currency, because some people did make a fortune and changed their lives, and most people also longed to be one of them.

The book also mentioned that some people suggested that stock investment can at least see the financial reports of physical companies, and the source and control of virtual currency are still worrying, but is this the real situation? Instead of putting your hopes on the lotto, is it possible to gamble on virtual currency?

Do financial conditions affect friendships?

The book also explores the relationship between money and friendship. When there is unequal status in the workplace or a gap in economic status, can they continue to maintain friendly friendships? My personal answer is that different economic conditions will affect friendship to some extent, because the price of restaurants that are acceptable to go out to eat is different, and the requirements for the quality of life will naturally be different. The relationship will naturally fade away.

Where do we want to go?

We often find a very strange phenomenon that people who are not rich want to be rich, and people who are rich want to have more power and influence (and maybe freedom), or people who have fantasies about love only Yin Yin hopes to find the true son/daughter in our hearts. We all draw a beautiful ideal blueprint in our hearts, but we find that we are far away from where we want to go. Some people spend their whole lives trying to reach their goals, but more people are in the middle Just give up, and stop before we even start. What is it that makes us back off? What motivates some people to persevere and succeed?

I believe that in addition to hard work and perseverance, luck is also required before reaching where we want to go, and investment is also the same. No one can say whether the curve will go up or down in the next second, especially the unpredictable changes of virtual currency. , it may turn people into upstarts in the blink of an eye, or they may end their lives in debt.

Through this novel, the author exposes the plight of office workers in the workplace, and also points out that virtual currency plays an important role that can change life. There is no excessive praise or deliberate criticism. It simply presents the economic trend of today's society and the aftermath of having money. It is a very exciting social realistic novel, and I sincerely invite everyone to experience it together.


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