[Happiness is an unexpected encounter] The days of traveling in Taiwan, clingy master

So the matter of happiness is up to one's own decision-why one's own happiness must be defined by oneself after all.

Lishen: I am Cat Pie. (laugh)

Even so, I'm not exposed to cats very often. I don’t have a cat at home; my grandmother had one for a while, it was a bit of a tsundere British short-haired cat, you can play with it, it’s okay to help with grooming, but you must never hug it anyway-it will slip away in seconds Walk. Occasionally it will tactfully jump on the sofa and sit next to you, which is its way of acting like a baby.

That was a rare moment when I first got along with cats. I haven't spent many years with this cat (I heard that Yingshou generally doesn't live very long), and I haven't developed the ability to tease and hug cats because of it, although I still miss it occasionally. Maybe this is how the cat love complex is formed.

happiness thing

Since returning to Hong Kong after traveling in Taiwan, I have been reading books about #Adlerian psychology . Among them, I am most interested in the works written by Kishimi Ichiro and have read a lot. I consciously swallow jujubes wholeheartedly, so I don’t dare to judge others. I can only say that Ichiro Kishimi has a lot of ink on "happiness", and he also has a profound and unique insight: he believes that society generally confuses "success" and "happiness", but in fact the two are completely different the concept of. Success is a kind of pursuit, the focus is on the achievement of the result or goal; happiness is the present ongoing state that happens at the moment, not because of you or me, "happiness is here at this moment" , and "your happiness is not affected by society depending on any change in the So the matter of happiness is up to one's own decision-why one's own happiness must be defined by oneself after all.

Kishimi Ichiro also gave very clear definitions of "happiness" and "happiness". Happiness is more like a permanent state that is not bound by causality or time; happiness is relatively short-lived pleasure, obtained as a result of a specific event or experience.

Kishimi Ichiro is a philosopher. As he said, when you need to think about happiness, it means that your life is not very happy. I don’t mean to refute it, but I still think that “being here at this moment is happiness”. It really takes a lot of practice to understand it.

Happiness is no stranger to me: Taurus knows how to use the five senses to enjoy life, so a foodie Taurus like me most often feels happiness from food haha.

Of course, in addition to food, there are many small blessings in life to be grateful for.


It’s not that only the days when you go out and play are considered good days. It’s just that you stay in the same place every day and night, live in the same way, repeat routines, and even get angry at work. If you get aesthetic fatigue, it is easy to take everything for granted. Nothing in the world is taken for granted, and the last word that human civilization should not exist is "should". Those who often use "should" to ask others, who do you want to kill? No one is obligated to meet anyone's expectations, okay?

Man has to tame nature while traveling. There are always times when the weather is not as expected, we are not necessarily sunny and sunny, and if the sun shines brightly every day and the sky is clear, the grassland will turn into a desert.

Therefore, every unexpected encounter is worth cherishing; it is precisely because happiness is fleeting that it is even more important to know how to hold it in the palm of your hand and feel it well.

Three photos, remembering the cats that gave me happiness during the journey

I stayed in Luodong for two days in April ( 勤游の兴せ|Qingshui Geothermal Park, Yilan County ). After visiting Qingshui Geothermal Park that morning, I went for a walk in Luodong Forestry Cultural Park in the afternoon. When I was about to leave, I met a very noisy cat.

Because I found the cat, I stayed there for a long time and took a lot of photos! It jumped to the ground later, it just talked a lot and kept thinking, but unfortunately I didn't understand haha.

@Luodong Forestry Culture Park

Luodong's next stop is Chishang. On the first day I came to Chishang, it started to rain heavily in the evening. I was a bit embarrassed to avoid the rain near the Duolimi Story House, and met a clingy cat.

I wanted to take a picture of it, but it kept walking around me and hardly stopped for a moment, making it very difficult to take pictures, and I had to bend down to take pictures (the posture must have seemed Must be extremely inelegant...). Even my own legs were included in this photo, but compared with other photos, I think this one can best capture the charm of the master, and it can be regarded as the only photo I took with him, it is very commemorative, isn’t it? . (error)

cat on the pool

Chishang Bookstore does not have a glamorous appearance, because it is too simple and low-key. I didn’t notice it at all when I passed by for the first time, so I skipped it directly (Is it because I live too much in my own world so I don’t look at the road, or I am too focused. walking!?). There is not a huge space here, but although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs. In addition to books and stationery, there are two beautiful shop cats. I think one is cold and the other is hot in terms of personality. This is the arrogant one, with ethereal temperament, it seems to be my favorite, haha.


The other shop cat has a lively and lovable personality and is very clingy. When I disturbed it for a while and went to read a book, it would jump on the desk to tease me.

The most special feature of Chishang Bookstore is the bookcases in the store with names of writers such as Cai Kangyong and Hou Wenyong. I heard that they donated their books to the bookstore. There are also many works by Jiang Xun in the bookstore. He is the general consultant of Chishang Art Village and once worked in Chishang Village.

"Being here at this moment is happiness"

The happiness that everyone believes in is different, because what we believe in, the life and ideal we want to pursue are different, so we have the final say. Each of us and our life trajectories are unique, and we can define our own happiness and give our lives any meaning.

I saw this sentence somewhere and found it very interesting: "There are only two things in the world, and they are about your ass and my ass."

Regarding what we believe, and every choice in life, other people can give opinions, anyway, we can't control what others say. But no matter what they say, it doesn't matter whether they agree or not, they can't interfere. This is my life, and I am responsible for the result no matter what, it's none of your business.

"Being here at this moment is happiness" may sound unbelievable, but Kishimi Ichiro said that you must believe that you are valuable:

Instead of finding out your own value in what can be achieved, you must think that the fact that you exist is where your value lies, and on this basis, you want to do something that can be achieved.

Come, let us practice happiness together. Start by doing what you can do today.


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2lin太陽金牛,上升天秤,吃喝玩(墮)落的金星孩子。 現正修煉讀空氣術,學習好好生活。
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