Cat Street in Tai Kok Tsui

In order to promote the relationship between neighbors in the community, "Wake Up" interviewed two neighbors who have worked in the district for many years to learn about their daily life in Tai Kok Tsui.

When I came to the shop where the first neighbor worked, and saw her sitting in front of the shop calmly, I knew she was the "big sister" in the shop.

Name: Ding Dong
Gender: Female
Age: Girls' Secret
Specialty: A mouse sees a mouse and is afraid of a mouse

Ding Dong: "Basically half of Lequn Street is for me to look at. The boss said that since he hired me as the store manager a few years ago, the mice have disappeared automatically. The boss said that maybe I am domineering enough, and the mice have already left after smelling me. No shaking, so the boss gave me special permission to not have to work, just stay in the store and sit down."

According to the boss, he tried to give the paper pots used by Ding Dong to a nearby store, and of course he successfully drove away the rats in the store. "Before you see the cat, smell it first" has successfully scared the mice away. No wonder the boss and neighbors say that Ding Dong's personality is particularly "accumulating". Although Ding Dong is afraid of rats, she is loved by everyone. The neighbors will greet her when they pass by, and some will stop to play with Ding Dong. As the cat store manager, Ding Dong will also take this opportunity to do business for the boss. During the chat between the reporter and the boss, Ding Dong successfully made a deal for the boss.

Ding Dong: "It's hot weather, the neighbor came to communicate, let's take him to the herbal tea shelf to see if there are wild ones, I don't want to sell the shelf hard, the most important thing is that everyone is happy!"

Last year, Ding Dong wandered around the street for a long time due to the door being closed by mistake, causing worries and discussions among the neighbors in the area. It can be seen that this cat shop manager has penetrated into the daily life of the neighbors.

Turning the corner where Ding Dong worked, I saw a clerk from another shop having dinner, as if she was preparing for work at night.

Neighbors passing by will greet Ding Dong

Ding Dong joked that she dominated half of Lequn Street

Name: Wuzui
Gender: Female
Age: Girls' Secret
Specialty: 26 Female Riders

Wuzui: "26 is two reels, that is, a motorcycle!"

Wu Tsui has a light body, and thought she was a fragile woman, but she turned out to be a motorcycle enthusiast. In the first ten minutes of the interview, Wu Tsui's body had never left the motorcycle, so she knew her interest in motorcycles level of obsession.

"The trunk is flat enough and high enough to allow me to observe the surroundings when I put it in the wild. The seat of the frame is soft and hard, and I feel uncomfortable when I'm swallowing it..." Wu Zui said eloquently Let's introduce the motorcycles in front of the reporter one by one.

When asked about Wuzui's responsibilities, she first inspected the motorcycles under her jurisdiction, and then sat down not far away. It turned out that she was the guard of the motorcycle bones.

In the evening, many neighbors would pass by Wuzui’s workplace on their way home. The friendly Wuzui couldn’t help but laugh at the familiar neighbors, as if comforting a group of hardworking students and wage earners. Communicate with each other by teasing Wuzui.

Wu Zui: "Haha, you and the two neighbors have been leaning on the left side of the cat, and promoting community relations is within the scope of my work!"

Wuzui, who is both rigid and soft, also serves as a goodwill ambassador for the community. It connects three generations of neighbors, old, middle-aged and young, and creates opportunities for them to greet and communicate with each other.

A "parking cat" guards the motorcycle

26 Enthusiasts observe the surroundings on motorcycles

After the visit, Wuzui stared at the back alley of an old mansion, as if looking for companions wandering nearby...

"Street Corner Stray" is an organization that mainly serves stray cats in Tai Kok Tsui District. According to the person in charge, Ah Hua, the stray cats in Tai Kok Tsui are mainly distributed in parks, patios and back alleys of old buildings in the district. At present, there are more than ten stray cats in the district. Due to the mobility of cats and the fact that some stray cats have not been neutered, exact figures cannot be provided. Apart from being hit by wind and rain, being chased by dogs, and being hit by cars, the waves in the area face difficulties, as well as being displaced due to the reconstruction of old areas. The fan who temporarily lives in the cattery is one of the ex-Tai Kok Tsui neighbors who were forced to relocate.

Name: Midi
Sex: Male

My brother: "I have three brothers and sisters. I used to work in the garage shop downstairs in Haixing Building. With the development of the community, the shop was closed, and our family scattered things..."

After the store closed, their family lived a life of homelessness. My brother's brother died in a traffic accident and was the first to be discovered. Later, Auntie Heymao found her sister wearing the same neckband in the stairwell of the Haixing Building that had not yet been demolished. The sister was pregnant at the time, and the auntie sought help from "Street Corner Langlang". Successfully conceived in the cattery and gave birth to a cat baby. In the end, the fan was also found in the Lok Kwan Street Park and sent to the cattery because he was wearing the same neckband.

Ah Hua added that my elder sister and the cat baby are more fortunate and have found a new home, but my brother is still waiting for the fateful person to appear in the cattery.

My brother: "Maybe I'm old, and my color is not flattering enough..." The helpless fan fell asleep after saying that.

Neighbors met stray cats, Ah Hua suggested to watch quietly but not to harass them, lest they run away in panic. If you see injured stray animals, you can ensure that they stay in a safe place to prevent them from getting worse after they get lost, and then notify the volunteers. It is even more ideal to provide temporary care services so that stray cats can be cared for and relieved after treatment. The burden of the cattery. Ah Hua admitted that cattery resources are very limited. After receiving a request for help, they will decide whether to accept or not according to the condition of the cat. The cattery will give priority to sick and injured cats. In other cases, even if assistance cannot be provided, Ah Hua will try to introduce familiar cat volunteers or other larger organizations to help seekers.

In an inclusive society, all creatures should have equal rights. However, in reality, whether it is among animals, humans or both, there are often injustices of varying degrees. From time to time there will be news about harming animals in the society, "You can not love, but please don't hurt." Animals live in the same nature as us, they also have their own value and rights, and should be treated equally. As a member of society, we hope that our care and attention can eliminate the prejudice and injustice caused to the disadvantaged groups in society.


The fans are very curious about the things around them

The fans took the initiative to get close to the reporter, could it be because they smelled the familiar smell of Tai Kok Tsui?

Reporter: Attu

Photo: Michael


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Tai Kok Tsui Awakening -The Big Corner of Urban Art