The title of the music is "that girl said to me" and the lyrics I hear are "powerless"


Are you constantly chasing, have you forgotten who you are and can't hear your inner voice?

When did not listening to pop songs start? At least ten years. There will be melodies in your mind that you can hum through your mouth. By now, those are already "memories" in the mouths of friends, and you have to smile and say to your friends, "Why have you been listening to our songs from the era?"

My friend said that the song is still good

I said, maybe it's just because of familiarity

Just like our parents, probably also think that the songs that accompany them through those eras are classics and kings. They don’t understand our songs, just like we don’t follow modern songs now, I think It's all the same, those notes that accompany us through the green, bored, and passionate, fantasy, and longing years are the representatives that engrave our memories, and it's not a question of whether they sound good or not.

Pursuit, whether it is a dream, or a desire, when entering the family, it seems to gradually enter the state of "living for the sake of life". Although pure dreams and visions are still indispensable, there are so many emotions.

For lunch, it’s a rare day to eat out. I sit down at the snack bar. The TV above is very loud. It’s a pop song and a love song. At first, I thought that this place might not be suitable as a time for noon rest and self-cultivation. However, the pleasant melody and exciting Lyrics, even if they are not like when they were young, they often sat down and watched their own dialogues, but they still evoked the same mood.

For a long time, I always hoped that the music played on my phone was pure piano sound, no exciting chorus, and no chorus ending. I hope to find peace while pursuing "life" and not allow my soul to flow out of where I should be. But just when I had to listen to those songs, I suddenly felt tired of myself, as if I was constantly fighting against something, but I still didn't know whether the path was the right one.

I can't tell the difference. I should be like a child, enjoying the daily life and emotions, or mature and carry the reality, grabbing those "I hope my family lives in a big house", "I hope to enjoy the freedom of life and accompany the children." ”, “I hope to lead the beloved people around me on the ark at the end of the world”, and tremblingly grasp every minute and every second to fight the unfinished reality of reality.

I still cherish the time spent with my partner and children. I can also feel loved and needed from them, and I can often laugh and record in my life, but there is always an invisible pressure pushing me, not allowing me Stop by yourself.

It seems to be very focused, but it also seems to bury something important in my heart

While listening to the music, I put down the book at hand to eat, and I almost finished crying and finished a bowl of noodles, but "reflexively" suppressed my eyes and tears.

I always wonder why "crying" is such a difficult emotion for me. Rather than laughing, at this moment, I want to be in a place where others can't see it, and I can't see myself. Cry well.

Just like when I was a teenager in high school, I used to hide in a small room behind the commanding station and cry secretly...

No matter what kind of grievances, dissatisfaction, resentment, or even expectations and disappointments, all can be poured down to the ground through the tears on my cheeks, and maybe after they are drained, I can truly feel at peace.


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ErwinTsai1985年生,台灣人 2019年11月開始嘗試創作的生涯,練習每日創作1000字以上的文章,原本希望可以持續一年,看看會發生什麼改變。 雖然只做到了三個月,但自己確實感受到變化,那是文字的靈魂在內心已萌芽。
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倒數15週 手作冰淇淋、大量閱讀、少量睡眠、烏俄戰爭