Let's talk about preparing lessons|By taking advantage of the situation, we can break out of the situation and create a different path

Only by taking advantage of the situation can you break out of the situation and create a different path to give up yourself. I think that through such preparation of lessons, you can also break out of the situation and create a different career in the future!
Image source: Stone brother shooting and drawing

Let's talk about preparing lessons|By taking advantage of the situation, we can break out of the situation and create a different path

Are you bad in the statistical test and the academic test? Don't think too much, there is still a chance to turn your life around!

As soon as a group of students were sent away, I received a po from the dean of the department to discuss with me some courses for the new semester. In fact, sharing is the best way to learn, so every time you take a course, from book selection, lesson preparation, case collection, and ppt preparation, to repeated reading before each course, to reviewing and reviewing the course, there is no one that is not one. study. In the past, I admired the math teachers in our country quite a bit. He almost prepared one or two lessons, and he could use them for several years. It may be because his brain is very bright and his memory is very good, so he asked his classmates where he taught every class. , after turning the page, you can write and explain one by one on the blackboard, and even every joke is exactly the same for every class, which I really can't do.

I usually take different approaches depending on the grade. The last time I attended the graduating class of the labor-academic class, I taught "Risk Management". Of course, in addition to ISO 31000, I focused on personal career and financial planning possibilities. How to deal with, avoid and manage the risks encountered, and then match the metaverse, digital currency, NFT, blockchain, and community cohesion of "Spirit of Professionals".

【What can I teach you? What can you learn from me? 】

I want to take the "Industry Topics" course in the new semester. I have already started to buy books, read books, and listen to related courses. What about the students? I still don’t know who will be admitted to the unified test. It’s still a little far from the start of school in September, but I always feel that I am blunt.

That's why I always think: What can I teach you? What can you learn from me?

1. Taking advantage of the situation to advance, can we break out of the situation:

I remember that there was a Qing University management course. In one chapter, the teacher mentioned the story of the comparison between albatross and partridges. He mentioned that the albatross would use the airflow when the ship sailed the Pacific Ocean to follow the ship, and even the flapping of its wings was greatly reduced; The partridge bird, on the other hand, only relies on its short wings to move forward, and of course it can't even fly out of a mountain. This is also the concept of following the trend, taking advantage of the trend, building the momentum, and taking advantage of the trend.

Since you didn’t do well in the unified test and fell short, how can you rely on what you have learned in college, and when you step into the workplace four years later, you can still turn over the predicament and break through the so-called “fair competition”? How can you not let others judge the weight and balance according to the graduation school, but can put yourself in a more favorable position and make yourself more cost-effective and higher?

❤️A cup of 55-dollar American coffee that you are accustomed to is a lesson opportunity for disadvantaged children to turn their lives ↓↓↓

🍁Click me and the link will be: "Admiration, a light for disadvantaged children in remote villages", a cup of coffee to support Brother Stone!

Image source: Stone brother from his own ReadMoo reading ink bookcase

2. Invite the enterprise into the classroom and tell practical cases:

I think students just sit and study in class and forget about it after listening to the test. This is quite normal. I really don’t need to blame the students, because it’s not practical, doesn’t know how to use it, doesn’t know what to do after learning, practice and theory The knowledge of factors such as large gaps, no personal participation, etc. is only at a superficial level, and it is meaningless if it is not internalized as a part of the body.

Therefore, I decided to invite the heads, CEOs, or management of various industrial companies to come into the classroom and share their company's continuous operation strategy during the epidemic? What is the competitive strategy? How to break through the fierce competition in the Red Sea through Porter's five forces analysis and SWOT analysis? Knowledge can only be deeply reflected when it is presented through actual cases.

3. Let students walk out of the classroom and ask why:

I quite agree with the adverse effects of school education mentioned by Mr. Liu Lan: 1. School education encourages individual success; 2. School education prevents us from asking questions.... Therefore, I think that when a leader is a teacher, it is only by letting students walk out of the classroom in groups and interview companies in person, so that they can learn and remember well, and even understand the five levels of leadership: discipline, preaching, teaching by example, asking for advice, and preaching.

Discipline: do as I say; preach: I tell you to listen; teach by example: I will show you; ask: how to do it; preach: why do you do it.

Image source: Shot by Brother Stone

The academic test and the statistical test are poor, does it matter? The teacher didn’t give up on you, and you didn’t give up on yourself. I think that through such a curriculum planning, at least you can understand the current situation of the industry, know why the industry is successful, dare to ask senior executives, management executives, and know how to listen to lectures, Interviews, put together into a complete report, and even know the basic framework of the report? I believe that when you step into the workplace in the future, you will be able to break out of the situation and create a different career.

🔥Follow up, the articles that everyone is reading, how many did you miss?

1. Win a job | Interview, do you have any questions?

2. Summer Internship | What are the benefits you don't know about?

3. Win the job search | The interview for "Summer Internship" starts from the issuance of the invitation letter!

4. Winning a job search|How to cope with tension during an interview and stably exert daily strength?

5. Dedicated to you who are rapidly "falling" at the moment


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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