[Discussion] The thing about being a soldier 4


The base training has finally come to an end, and the soldiers are also preparing to relocate to the new camp. Regardless of the test results, fortunately, we connected to the "fierce god" and didn't care about the test results. We knew that he was also being talked about by the superiors. Unexpectedly, he never reprimanded Brother Lian Shang about his test scores. He is considered a very good official.

My business master, Taoist brother, still looks like an expert in the world. If there is a notice to do what to do, just hand over the business to do it. If you can go out, you can take me with the executive or other businessmen of the company who are related to the business. One time he suddenly asked me, "Would you like to go for dry training?" In Kinmen, college students will definitely be sent to dry training classes to be trained as corporal squad leaders. The master and Taoist brother graduated from a well-known university, but he is currently in the army and is about to be discharged from the army. . I asked him why he didn't go to training?

"The higher the rank, the more responsibilities, so let's ask for a safe discharge from the army. For me, that's fine." Thinking about the master's statement, it's not wrong, but it's more leisurely, but the master still wants me to think about it carefully. . "But, if the phone call is recorded, can you really not go?"

"There's always a way, if you really don't want to go." Master Taoist brother, sitting on the briefcase with a cup of tea, still looked unfathomable. Even the seniors who went to the school said with certainty that they would definitely go to the dry training class. Soon the phone record notice came. The Taoist brother went to the company commander, and after that, he had a tolerance trip, but he really didn't send me to work. training class. Of course, from this incident, I learned to care about rank or position, which means that I have to take on more work and responsibilities, which also means sacrificing more personal time and more opportunities to make mistakes. As a volunteer, of course I choose Live a leisurely life of "being wise and protecting yourself".

I took a photo in front of the office door. Walking through the door, there is the office of the company's 123rd on the right, and the infirmary on the left. I am not only the 3rd company in everyone's mouth, but also the effective medical assistant of the medical officer.

One day, my Taoist brother asked me to go out to work together. Where should I go? He was as mysterious as ever, and I was as curious as ever. After getting on the bus and then transferring, I came to a remote road and saw the guard post. Brother Daoist confirmed that it was his target camp, and asked the post to contact the camp's Sansan. After a while, we walked in a wide camp area near the sea, walked out of another camp gate, and walked a little further to the beach (but at that time, Jinmen Beach should not be wandering, because many mines have not been removed), look When a veteran wearing a hanging ga came in with a fishing rod and a bucket... I thought what kind of paradise camp is this?!

This is where we will relocate in the future? Daoist brother nodded. The salesman of the other party gave us a map of the topography and architecture of the camp. We walked around the camp to get a general understanding of the function of the buildings and then left. Then we had some time to hang out in Jincheng Town and sit in a bubble. Killing time in a tea shop. At that time, Bingge’s holiday was in a black tea shop. There were general seats, and there was a space similar to a Japanese-style shop. Several people could sit or lie down, have a few drinks or some simple snacks, play cards and chat, and spend the whole period. day.

Just as everyone is in order to relocate and organize things, they also need to carry out house repairs. In fact, I have never been able to understand, what exactly needs to be repaired and repaired in those cave dormitories, and some above-ground buildings need to be repaired.

But never waited for the day to move to the beach . It was originally planned to relocate in about two months, but a single phone call changed the fate of the entire camp. Kinmen started a disarmament policy at that time, and wanted to reduce the number of defenders living on the outer islands. There were more than 100,000 soldiers in Kinmen. In the end, there should only be 20,000 to 30,000 soldiers left. That plan was the "Refinement Case". I have been carrying out this plan for almost all of my military career. The soldiers to be laid off will only be retired and not replaced. The battalion will be slowly cut off, and then go from the battalion headquarters to the brigade headquarters. My job is to assist the brigade headquarters to be laid off, so when a group of I really don't know what to say when people are happily talking about their military career. After all, I'm very much like a soldier who is constantly wandering. Going to a place and "annihilating" that place is really not normal military life. On the one hand, I am very lucky, because when I am a soldier, I just do a lot of paperwork, and then I go to the post, and then take time off... So when people ask me if I have ever been a soldier, I can't help asking myself: This is considered a soldier. ?


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