【Yingxiang Poetry Collection】✿Emotional Poems: 【Hand in Hand】

It turns out that dreams never stop disappearing because of the coming and going of emotions. I just passed by a person in the journey of life.

✿Emotional Poem: [Holding Hands] 2012.12.21


in eternity that is about to awaken

I dreamed of the first nostalgia


It's because of the warmth of that moment

love goes back

Belonging to the age of eternity and instant innocence


Time suddenly starts to turn

The past has long since left

Live a new future on an unfamiliar path of growth


Heart is lost forever

The diary is left alone

But there is still a long life ahead


It turns out that dreams never stop disappearing because of the coming and going of emotions

I have only passed one person on the journey of my life.





Yingxiang's words:


I've been hesitating about this song and the other song "a little tempting"

Which song is more suitable to participate in the "I write my heart" this Bang Bang activity

(The color of the other song is more beautiful, but I think the picture of this song is the peak of the painter at that time XD

Anyway, I can't draw both of them now~ XD)

I chose this song later because I wrote it many years ago.

I still like the last two sentences...

'I've only passed one person on my life's journey'

Share it with everyone~

(Actually, I just had a crush on me when I was young, haha <being beaten>)

The origin of this poem is because of a dream~



If you are interested in another song, please click the link below:

【Tingxiang Poems】✿Emotional Poems: 【A little tempted】2013.01.09

[A little tempted] I think the two best written sentences are:

"Such obscurity is beautiful, but ambiguity is even more beautiful"





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纓香sky31009『🌸 纓香,一個喜歡寫詩集、小說、書評的彼得潘女生。🐰』 🍄 部落格:夢憶纓林:https://sky31009.pixnet.net/blog
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