The joy outside the window comes from those sacrificed by the winter sun

不自由 毋寧死
Setbacks make people feel sad, but if you make changes because you want to get rid of suffering, it is like changing your perspective and you can still see the outside world. Setbacks are a gift.

In the past, every year when I was locked in December, I couldn't see the sun outside for a long time.

If you want to look outside, you can only move your feet to change places.

Setbacks make people feel sad, but if you make changes because you want to get rid of suffering, it is like changing your perspective and you can still see the outside world. Setbacks are a gift.

A colleague was rejected by the boss because of the business transfer, and the whole office felt his low pressure. A while ago, the work assignment was unfair to him. The so-called good people are bullied by others, and it is normal to be bullied and oppressed in the public sector. .

But injustice comes from comparison, and comparison with others will never be fair. Thinking that I also came in for the general examination at the beginning, I took what I gave, I did what I took, and what I did, all became my own ability.

Outside the window is a hot and happy Christmas city. I can't resist the window being blocked, but I can always decide how to face the blocked days.


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