Opening after the year! Back to the Academic Affairs Office? Back in the kitchen is real!


Today is the end of the Lunar New Year holiday and the day when everyone officially returns to work. And me?

Back to the Academic Affairs Office?

As the " former " dean of academic affairs, every time I went back to school to see my old comrades in arms, I would always be asked: "When will you come back?" Later, looking at my attitude, the question became: "Will you come back?" If you don't, I'll be back. As soon as you guys from the Academic Affairs Office speak, I'll be back, and I'll come back to have a "dinner" with everyone! Hahaha~~ When I came back to work on the first day, I was always in a bad mood. In addition, I was arguing with the current director before the winter vacation, asking her to count me a share if she held a dinner in the Academic Affairs Office, so she was very considerate and ranked first. At noon, let everyone dispel some resentment at work in a happy dinner (but seeing that I don't have to go to work, everyone's resentment seems to be heavier?), and let me, the former director of the cocoon at home, have the opportunity to talk to everyone. Recalling the old times, scolding the superior, haha, this is a must!

As for whether to go back to school, it's too early! I only stayed for half a year. However, I plan to stay for at least another year, and next year, I will not touch the school at all (this year, because of embarrassment, I have to go back to help one after another), and I thoroughly feel that if I choose to resign a feeling of. So... let's talk about it!

Back in the kitchen!

Everyone must be doing a lot of fish and meat during the Chinese New Year, or at least they are less likely to start their own party. Me too, every Monday to Thursday during the semester, I cook dinner by myself, without any exceptions (Happy congratulations~~). But I stopped working this week during the annual holiday. Basically, when I don’t have dinner parties, I always call it “ Fu Pang Da ”. Speaking of this, I feel sad. I opened a search in Xinying~80 Taiwanese restaurants, and opened a search in Taichung~1080 Taiwanese restaurants. I almost fainted when I saw it!

So after eating out for more than a week, I decided to go back to the kitchen and make soup by myself! As always, I went to Quanlian to buy vegetables, bought kohlrabi (cabbage) and wanted to stew soup, but I couldn't find any trace of "ribs" at all, no more than eggs (maybe there was no pig slaughter during the New Year, but eggs in the south There are quite a lot of eggs in the cabinet!). So there is no delicious kohlrabi and pork ribs soup to drink today, sorry~~

But Xilihulu still came up with three dishes, the wife who didn't eat dumplings (starch) added an egg, and it was done. Refreshing and unburdened to eat (mentally, but I think the pan is a little weird, like it's time for a change!). Because my colleagues in the Academic Affairs Office asked me to share the dinner I cooked at noon (it seems that I do not believe my virtuousness), so I just took a photo and shared it with you. I hope you are not eating, so as not to affect your appetite!

I'm used to helping everyone divide the portion, and each portion feels more "exquisite" , as if eating a light meal! Don't ask too much for the plate setting. If you like beautiful and happy dishes, I recommend @Carol to you. The meals she shares every day are very colorful and look good!

Well, the start day is just like this, and I slowly return to the routine and feeling of the non-annual vacation! Of course, my usual job is to accompany cats and dogs at home, so "playing cats" is also a must! Then share with you the brothers who have a good relationship in our family! I wish you all the best of luck and good luck in your work.

It's not a fight, it's too small to make a big deal, but the big one is licking the little one, it looks so warm.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

半調子人生人生中場,生活、婚姻、職場、投資都是半調子,但,這沒什麼不好。光譜般的方方面面,都不該只有好或壞、對或錯,我喜歡現在的生活,喜歡現在我的半調子人生。 邀請您一起來參與我的分享。內容主題也許很雜亂,但複雜是人生的本質,而簡單卻是我們的選擇,擇我所愛、愛我所擇。
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