2022.8.5 Hong Kong Court News Compilation

法庭線 The Witness
Focus: Police obtain a new search warrant to check the contents of mobile phones Li Zhiying says the warrant is invalid 8.22 judicial review hearing; "Pastor Jiang" is accused of holding a selfie stick to block the acquittal: the police did not explain to the defendant how it constituted an obstacle

"Court Line" is a Hong Kong court media that started operation in May 2022. It was founded by former court reporters. It adheres to the principles of independent, accurate and impartial journalism. It hopes to continue to witness records in Hong Kong and the court scene in a rapidly changing era. All reports are open to the public free of charge, and rely on readers to pay subscriptions to support operations. "Court Line" website and subscription support on various platforms


Police obtain a new search warrant to check the contents of mobile phone, Jimmy Lai says the warrant is invalid 8.22 Judicial Review Hearing

"Pastor Jiang" is accused of holding a selfie stick to block the acquittal: the police did not explain to the defendant how it constituted a hindrance

|Social Movement|

11.18 PolyU|8 people accused of riot

47 Cases|Peng Zhuoqi's application to change bail conditions was approved to be exempted from the 6-day "stay at home, curfew" requirement


The founder of "Pastor and You Dian" was accused of inciting to apply for bail to the High Court for the 5th time and was refused

Falsely reported that there were bombs in two DSE examination rooms

18-year-old man pleads guilty to trying to mislead police for 160 hours of social service order for fear of being tracked

Penalty of 7,000 yuan for recognizing unlicensed storage of refrigerant gas "Apple" printing company said it needs to apply to the Security Bureau to unfreeze the account to pay the fine

2020 Legislative Council New West candidate Xu Xiaoliang falsely claimed that 46,000 yuan of election expenses was prosecuted by the ICAC for attempted fraud

Clerk of Politics and General Administration was found not guilty of indecent assault for reaching out to female colleague's chest, but ordered to remand Husuo Psychiatric Department


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法庭線 The Witness香港法庭媒體,由前法庭記者創立,秉持獨立、準確和持平的新聞原則。報道全部免費向公眾開放,有賴讀者付費月訂或年訂支持營運。 |網站及各平台:https://linktr.ee/thewitnesshk |付費訂閱:https://bit.ly/3l9vWC4
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