only i remember

There are cute cats inside. As a result, I, who liked dog pie, also fell in love with cats.

I still remember the article I owe him.

Only I can remember.

He likes cats.

I don't want to cut off the topic, so I still have a few cat photos I took in Japan in my phone, which looks so abrupt among the cute dogs in a photo album.

The backyard of the temple is secluded and quiet, and even the cat's fur is quietly blending into the emptiness of the stone, but I don't know if he likes it or not.

However, no matter how I tried to find him, I felt that I had no reason and I ran out. I'm not sure whether he wants to talk or just perfunctory, whether he can talk or not, and have I bothered him.

I have no idea. I do not know anything.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

蘇祁馬特市新手。ig帳號同名,沒盜文嘿。 雖然下雨天很煩,但還是很喜歡下雨天的北漂台大生。 讀小五的時候因為喜歡的男孩不喜歡自己所以開始創作,寫到現在,打算寫一輩子。 在某本言情上看過一句話,「這世界上所有人都註定蠅營狗苟的活一輩子,可是每個苟且的偏旁,都應該是讓自己來寫的。」 深以為此話說的對極了。
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當浪漫被現實淋濕之後--電影<A Rainy Day in New York>

