Learn to listen to soothe your inner emotions, share the process of free diving certification

In the process of self-dive, the one who can talk to you the most is only yourself after all
Attached a photo of me and the bottom of the sea that day

Free diving, in simple terms, is to rely on a mouthful of one's ability to reach within the ability of the sea. It sounds simple, but it is not easy. Because there are psychological qualities and physical factors behind it, so every time you go down, you must cherish it

If you want to go self-diving, I really recommend you to find a coach to learn it. If you haven’t taken a class, it’s the next best thing. If you haven’t taken a class, you’re not qualified to go to a deep pool, but simply enjoying the waves at sea, no one can restrain you, I Is the nearest store to find Mie quarter dive

Several years ago, I was going to take the self-study test, but when I heard it with another friend, Ah Chou immediately got angry and asked why he didn't look for him. I thought to myself, since you are not interested in most outdoor activities, what should I do? dare to invite you

But in the midst of the noise, let's do it together

The first beginner's course _ Keelung Offshore

We signed up at the beginning and just finished the indoor course. Due to the epidemic, the indoor swimming pool was difficult to make reservations. The coach asked us if we wanted to train directly at sea. It sounded super attractive, so the first time we held our breath and climbed the rope shallowly, it was in a wind. The sea with big waves and big waves, and it was after the Mid-Autumn Festival, the temperature was extremely unstable, and the tide directly made A Chou dizzy at sea. The experience of the second session was good, after all, it was fresh and fun, but unfortunately, after the first session, the weather began to change, and the second session came to the next year in a blink of an eye.

The second lesson from beginners_Nangang Sports Center

In the second session, I finally returned to the swimming pool and came to the Nangang Sports Center. In fact, it is fun at sea, but in the swimming pool, the calm water can still practice some proper postures and practice some inner stress resistance, let’s say diving , all in the latent psychological quality

Unexpectedly, in the calm water, it is still smooth, the bow is shallow, flat, and flat, everything is fine, and even it is very fun, it is like flying in the water, as long as there is water, you can do it. Swim far away, just relax, coexist with the breathing response, and flatten the pressure, so that you can relax within five meters

The third beginner's course _ Keelung and American Elementary School

The goal of this day is to complete all the goals that should be achieved. It is expected that the license will be obtained today. When I return to the sea again, I will be much more excited than the first time, because I am not as dazed as the first time, and not like the first time. Knowing your physical condition and starting to want to say you want to enjoy the sea view

Although there has always been a small problem in the beginning, the heart rate has not been able to decrease, it seems that the inner nervousness is vague, which will lead to the rapid response of breathing in the water, resulting in a decline in psychological quality, and it is easy to be nervous and the probability of regrets will occur. will rise

During this period of time, I kept telling myself that it’s okay, imagine that I am a fish, that people can return to the most primitive state in the sea, don’t be nervous, swim in it, and don’t be dominated by your own sense of fear.

In the end, the biggest enemy of a person is really himself, and only his heart needs to be overcome. After constant self-talk, his heartbeat has dropped a lot, and he can relax. Today's course becomes an experience, and finally he can get down to the shallows. To 12 meters, and the rescue exercises can be successfully completed

Although Ah Chou was in poor physical condition in the end, he couldn't dive too far, but because we all met the class standard, we still passed the license! !

At the moment of the class, Ah Chou and I couldn't believe it. It turned out that this is the standard of class, but it's actually not as hard as I imagined! And after the study, you will know more about some relevant safety measures at sea, as well as your physical condition, know how to challenge your own limits within a safe range, and then enjoy the nature

Experience after free diving

After the class, in addition to the "cool" one, there are more headaches to face, in order to keep the sport going, what equipment should I buy (and the equipment is not cheap), should I buy a float, and what should I usually do? Going to practice, where to practice at the beach, how to be good diving buddies for each other, and ensure the safety of each other's lives, it seems that taking the class is just the first step, just to get the key to open the door to the ocean

But these problems can actually be solved. From now on, 70% of the earth can be explored. I hope to see things and appreciate things from different perspectives.

If I have other experiences later (what equipment to buy or where to dive), I will share it again

Finally, Ah Chou said, I am the one who accompanies you to the mountains and the sea


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歪皮/紗卡納認真的好好體驗,這個只有一趟的人生,並且用一些文字,記錄一些小事 -
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