The first day of work after the fifth wave of the epidemic

Government 4.1 Gradually resume public services Expectations 4.21 Generally return to normal calling on employers to continue working from home

In line with the policy of lifting most social distancing measures in three phases starting from April 21, the government announced that government departments will gradually resume public services from April 1, with a view to starting from April 21. Generally, normal public services will resume, and all government employees working on government premises must complete the second dose of the new crown vaccine by April 1.

The family members are all civil servants, the father is a retired civil servant, the elder sister is a public facility official, and the younger sister is a civil servant. I am the only one working on a commission basis, and my income is greatly affected, with a reduction of more than 70%

During the fifth wave of the epidemic, they all worked from home. My sister's job was not able to work from home (based on confidential information, she had to use the company's system), so she took care of the children every day and received her salary as usual. Many people around me are very envious of public servants, with high salaries, salary increases every year, and various benefits.

Why am I the only one who doesn't join the civil service?

(I will share it in the next article)


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