[Coin Circle News] Air Investment News of the Three-Headed Dog Coin and Cool Cat Coin that will be launched in the Cosmos Ecosystem

The canine and cat meme coins of the Cosmos ecosystem join hands to make a big attack

(This article is only for information sorting, not investment advice)

Recently, two animal coins were announced to be launched in the Cosmos ecosystem, and both announced that there will be airdrops.

One is the three-headed dog coin Cerberus ($CRBRUS) and the other is CoolCat ($CCAT), both of which are listed in the meme coin pioneer Chihuahua previously invested in the Cosmos ecosystem. Pledge users of coins.

I don’t know if it’s because of the popularity of Chihuahua coin after its launch, so that others can see the great potential of launching meme coin in the Cosmos ecosystem, causing follow-up projects to follow up? ?

This article will first explain the three-headed dog and Kumao’s empty investment, and then briefly explain the steps on how to pledge Chihuahua ($HUAHUA), $ATOM, and $OSMO.

1. Cerberus ($CRBRUS)

The source of the picture is taken from the official Twitter

Earlier in mid-February, Santou Dogcoin announced the airdrop plan , and the snapshot time will be announced in early March.

Airdrops are eligible for the following three types of pledged users

. $ATOM staked
. $OSMO staked
. $HUAHUA staked

All three are calculated independently

That is to say, users who can get up to three airdrops are those who have pledged for all three.

Then the official Twitter of the three-headed dog announced the snapshot time of Chihuahua, $ATOM, and $OSMO on 3/8 and 3/9:

All three coins will take snapshots at 12:00AM UTC on 3/12 (Sat)! !
(The time converted to Taipei time is 8:00 am on 3/12 (Sat))

Chihuahua snapshot time. The source is the official twitter.
Snapshot time of $OSMO. The source is the official twitter.
The snapshot time of $ATOM. The source is the official twitter.

In the updated Q&A of the three-headed dogcoin airdrop , the launch time of the updated three-headed dogcoin is 3/15.

The official also mentioned in the future outlook that there are plans to launch Cerberus ($CRBRUS)/Chihuahua ($HUAHUA) liquidity pools and NFT issuance.

Therefore, users of the Cosmos ecosystem who read this news, please seize the time and pledge Chihuahua coins ($HUAHUA), $ATOM, and $OSMO before 3/12 in order to obtain the empty investment of the three-headed dog coins~~~~~~ ~~
(No minimum threshold for pledge)

2. CoolCat ($CCAT)

On 3/8, CoolCat officially announced the release plan . It is expected to launch the blockchain of CoolCat in the Cosmos ecosystem in April, and announced the airdrop plan at the same time.

Airdrops are eligible for the following four types of pledged users

. $ATOM staked
. $OSMO staked
. $JUNO staked
. $HUAHUA staked

However, it is not stated whether there is a threshold, and the details can be confirmed after further information, such as snapshot time, airdrop date and other information, you can follow the official Twitter of Cool Cat Coin

However, users of the Cosmos ecosystem who love animal meme coins can look forward to the entry of Cool Cat Coin

3. Introduction to the method of pledge

The empty investment of the above two types of meme coins covers Chihuahua coins ($HUAHUA), $ATOM, $OSMO, $JUNO, so this section will introduce the pledge methods of these four coins.

First of all, the novice must install the Keplr wallet first, because Chihuahua ($HUAHUA), $ATOM, $OSMO, $JUNO all need to connect to the Keplr wallet to operate the procedures of currency exchange, pledge and delegation

For the installation method of Keplr wallet, please refer to this guide
Keplr wallet full strategy everyone K erupted fortune

After installing the Keplr wallet, users with Likecoin can enter the Trade function list on the left from the Osmosis exchange , and exchange Likecoin for Chihuahua ($HUAHUA), $ATOM, $OSMO, $JUNO
(Please note that the exchange rate of each currency is different, please evaluate the distribution conversion ratio by yourself)

After exchanging Chihuahua coins on the Osmosis exchange, you can view the user's assets in Assets, click Withdraw, transfer the amount you want to withdraw back to your Keplr wallet, and you can view the user's Chihuahua coins on the Chihuahua coin chain. , and operate the process of pledge delegation on the community official website of Chihuahua Coin (the same method for $JUNO)

Image source taken from the Osmosis website

There are English pledge guidelines for Chihuahua coins here, which can be operated according to the table

For the pledge of $ATOM, $OSMO, and $JUNO, you can view the validators of each chain through the dashboard of the Keplr wallet , and select the objects that can be pledged

Cosmos Hub is $ATOM
Osmosis is $OSMO
Juno is $JUNO

The source of the picture is taken from the official website of Keplr

On this dashboard, the operations of $ATOM, $OSMO, and $JUNO are the same. Let's take $OSMO as an example. Newbies can refer to this teaching article to stake $OSMO.

By staking $OSMO coins, you can also have stable income!

This article introduces the short-term investment news of the two upcoming animal meme coins in the Cosmos ecosystem, as well as the method of staking coins to obtain the short-term investment status. Those who are interested remember to pledge $HUAHUA, $ ATOM, $OSMO yo~~~~~


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