not as expected

The weather was not as expected, I thought it would continue to be sunny, and it would be cold to prevent a continuous heavy rain.

The weather was not as expected, I thought it would continue to be sunny, and it would be cold to prevent a continuous heavy rain.

It's not always rainy or sunny, but it's always unexpected.

Sometimes, people always think that sunny days are better, and rainy days seem to be inconvenient.

Sometimes, people think that rainy days will be better, but sunny days may not feel good.

The weather is impermanent, and so is life.

In fact, it's a commonplace. Maybe, I just hope that everything will be fine all the time, and I don't want to have too many expectations.

However, when things happen unexpectedly, they still yearn for unexpected miracles.

Because of the repeated and unresolved epidemic, which has overshadowed many personal and small matters, life seems to be all that is left to live.

So, some people are isolated and some people are forgotten.

It was not until some people became relatives, friends, and even themselves that they realized that the foreseeable situation was finally unavoidable!

This kind of life, which seems to be expected but not as expected, can suddenly disappear overnight and return to expectations?

At this moment, the mood is a little unsettled.

Calmness is on the surface, and restlessness is on the inside. I hope that my emotions will continue to be calm, and I hope that the heart will be peaceful.

Calm, because fortunately there were no difficulties that everyone expected, because there is still hope.

It is not quiet, it is the fear that the controllable will disappear in an instant.

Peace of mind is the only way to figure it out and be prepared.

Tranquility can soothe the mind and achieve peace.

The wind and rain are coming, although it is not expected, I hope everything is fine!

Picture @ Chuanlin


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穿林莫聽穿林打葉聲,何妨吟嘯且徐行。 竹杖芒鞋輕勝馬,誰怕?一蓑煙雨任平生。 料峭春風吹酒醒,微冷,山頭斜照卻相迎。 回首向來蕭瑟處,歸去,也無風雨也無晴。 蘇軾 - 定風波
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