2022/07/22 60k Pedestrian Strategy (Ex-dividend 0.8 points~ECB raises interest rate~)



ECB hikes 2 yards to end negative interest rates

(President Lagarde believes that the haze of the economy in the second half of the year caused market confusion because of the lack of clarity on the policy outlook)

Life insurance net worth storm financial management will shout

(The three-point statement emphasizes that it will not affect the operation of the industry and there is no liquidity risk to raise interest rates in the long run.)

TSMC's orders for vehicles and then good news

(Fuchs joins hands with ST to develop MCUs to improve chip supply control and add momentum to the foundry operations of the first wafer brother)

Close 14818 at night - close at 14748 in day = up 70 points

Write before the strategy:

Last night's market data announcement and frequent international news ~ the last 60k closed black ~ the amplitude of 45 points (14855-14810),

At present, the electronic trading of US stocks has opened down ~ can we continue to support the low of 14693 last night today ~ can we continue the multi-party momentum ~

Domestic is still: energy inflation + epidemic

Abroad: Russia-Ukraine War, Sino-US Trade War!!

60k dash strategy: (red line)

Opening high should be higher ~ US stocks rose sharply yesterday ~ Taiwan index also rose by 100 points in the night trading ~ At present, the US stock electronic market has opened down ~

Open early and open low below 14818~ attack 14738 and 14693~

Do not break or explode the lead ~ stand back to 14693 ~ enter more orders ~ target 14818

60k fell below and closed below 14693 ~ short order ~ target 14532


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星夜呢喃大叔~ 操作當下的應對思維與邏輯 盤前功課: 先抓出撐壓關鍵點,再兵棋推演多空劇本,在盤中過破之間 見轉折,出手才能快、狠、準---(節錄自 聚財網吳大)
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