decide for yourself

Our society doesn't often do great things because we are all afraid of making mistakes, in fact, everything we do may be wrong in the future, but that doesn't stop us from starting

Think carefully about whether you will make a variety of choices every day, ranging from "Should dinner be the same as usual today or something else?" to "I just graduated from college, do I want to go out for social experience or try it out?" Start your own business?"

In fact, we encounter and need to make choices for these choices all the time in our lives, but decisions, no matter how big or small, will be affected by changes due to personal experience of emotional biases and external factors.

For example, you just got off work/class today, and saw a restaurant that just opened, you thought about it and decided to walk in and thought, "Let's eat something different today and see this newly opened restaurant for a change" , as a result, you go in and sit down and wait for the finished meal to arrive. You take the first bite but find that the food here is completely different from what you imagined, and you even think "Why is it so bad?" This is your choice and Consequences of thinking, you will feel that you are wasting some money to eat this thing you don't like, some people will also think "If I knew it earlier, I would not have come..." and so on psychological OS

For another example, you are a fresh graduate, and your thoughts are "Am I looking for a company job, or should I try to start my own business?" I think it's good, but when you go in for a while, you find that you often work overtime, and your colleagues don't get along well, and maybe the supervisor is too strict and too strict, which makes you quite stressed

Or you choose to try to start a business by yourself, but you find that the initial funds are not enough, you may need to borrow money from your family, your company is not thoughtful in the early stage, and it is not profitable but slowly loses money, maybe you are looking for a partner Betray your trust, and your company has many breaches as a result

At every moment or even at every stage of life, there will be many choices, why do you hear someone say "choice is more important than effort", because right and wrong decisions will directly/indirectly affect your future, right The decision will make you take a lot less, the wrong way will make you go around a big circle or even get into a dead end.

In this way, nothing affects our lives more than the ability to "make decisions". From the current success or failure, the source can be traced back to the previous decisions and directions, such as the founder of FaceBook at Harvard. Mark Zuckerberg built a social networking site for students to communicate with. As soon as the site opened, a large number of users entered. Within a few weeks, more than half of Harvard students used FaceBook. Later, in 2005, FaceBook gradually grew. At that time, Yahoo! To buy FaceBook for a billion dollars, but Mark said, "This site is like my child, I want to watch it grow and I want to see it age with my own eyes"

A few years later, Mark's decision was undoubtedly a success. At that time, the rapid growth of the online community also drove the economic effect of FaceBook. However, after a few years, countless social media website apps began to dominate one side and become a giant. Due to the loss of FaceBook Innovation and competitiveness have led to the crisis of being eliminated several times. From this time, is Mark's decision wrong?

Because we can't guarantee when the validity period of each decision is, even if the right decision is correct at the moment, but over time, the advantages of the decision will be eroded and the disadvantages will be brought to the surface, so the decision does not There is no permanent guarantee, just like every ruler proposes a lot of perfect policies, they will collapse due to the evolution of the times and the influence of external forces, which will lead to the collapse of the national government system.

Generally speaking, no matter how good or bad we are now, we have to admit that we have made many choices, made many decisions, and missed many opportunities. Even if these things are wrong in the end, they cannot stop us from starting.

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