This is the person Yang Zhuzhu wants to protect

Although Yang Zhuzhi did not succeed in legalizing the sale of children by parents, he succeeded to some extent.

In 2006, Liu Xuezhou, who was only 3 months old, was sold by his biological parents for 6,000 yuan .

In 2010, "anti-family planning professor" Yang Zhuzhu published his famous article " Selling one's own children should not be convicted of child trafficking ", vowing to legalize the sale of children by parents.

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Later, Yang Zhizhi defended child trafficking many times, claiming that " trafficking and buying are not abducting and buying, and acting as a setter to make both buyers and sellers fulfill their wishes is actually a matter of virtue ." (Refer to " New Perspective Issue 1239: Revising the Adoption Law, Saving Thousands of Children ")

The previous year, Liu Xuezhou, who was only about 4 years old, became a de facto orphan because his adoptive parents died in an accident, although his biological parents were both alive. He lived a miserable life of being bullied and molested at school.

In 2021, Liu Xuezhou searched for relatives online, and after DNA comparison by the police, he found his biological parents. In the end, he found out that his father had cheated on him and gave birth to him to his mother. After divorcing his first wife, he sold him and then used the money from selling him to marry his mother. After giving birth to Liu Xuezhou's younger brother, his father cheated again, divorced his second wife, Liu Xuezhou's biological mother, and gave birth to a daughter with his third wife. And Liu Xuezhou's biological mother also started another family after divorcing his father and gave birth to a third son.

Liu Xuezhou found his biological parents, but he did not find the fatherly love and motherly love he longed for. He watched his younger brother enjoy all kinds of family affection that his elder brother could only hope for: the younger brother celebrates his birthday, and his father organizes a big banquet for his younger brother; while Liu Xuezhou never had a birthday since he was a child. The younger brother has a house bought by his father, but Liu Xuezhou has nothing - his biological father only gave him 5,000 yuan after meeting him.

When he hoped that his biological parents would buy him a house or rent a house to live in like his younger brother, his biological father called him an "Internet beggar", and his biological mother blocked him on WeChat.

Then Liu Xuezhou encountered a series of cyber violence.

On January 24, 2022, a desperate Liu Xuezhou committed suicide in Hainan.

Then the Shanxi police received a report from netizens, claiming that Liu Xuezhou's biological parents were suspected of "abandonment".

Although Yang Zhuzhi did not succeed in legalizing the sale of children by parents, he succeeded to some extent. After his "legal education", apparently the netizens who called the police did not think that Liu Xuezhou's parents were involved in the crime of abducting and trafficking children.

The sentencing of these two crimes is different. The maximum sentence for the crime of abandonment is only 5 years, while the sentence for the crime of child trafficking is 5-10 years.

Liu Xuezhou's biological parents, Ding and Liu, who sold him when he was 3 months old and then abandoned the underage boy again after he succeeded in finding a relative, are the people Yang Zhuzhu wanted to protect. And Liu Xuezhou is also one of the "thousands of children" who Yang Zhizhu and his supporters claimed were saved by being bought and sold.


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