sworn brothers and sisters (2)

The passage of time has left us with a lot of good memories, and in retrospect, it still feels extraordinarily sweet.

In the last article, I found a very cute girl in my class who is the type of girl I like very much. Less than a month after school started, I confessed to her. Although it was a bit reckless, it was fortunate that everything went well.

After I went back, I was lying on the bed in the dormitory, looking at the note with her phone number written on my hand, I was very happy, and I would think about it from time to time . When my roommates saw my distraught appearance, they asked me what was going on, how could I have the nerve to tell them.


But their "old Jianghu" guesses were all guessed by them. Unexpectedly, these "bad friends" were more excited than me when they found out. Since I knew that I had never talked about girlfriends before, they all came over to talk to me about Dafa .

The first move they planned was to associate with the girl's dormitory . It is said that I want to improve my relationship with girls, but how can I feel that I am being used. Because the girls dormitory is also four singles.

I remember calling the girls' dormitory basically every night at that time. At that time, I also found a bug, that is, a calling card used up the time at one time, and the next time I called, there was still so much time.

In order to use up the time (30 minutes) for one phone card at one time, four people in our dormitory and their dormitory took turns, and they went to talk if they had nothing to say . It was only after half a year that the telecommunications bureau discovered this bug, thinking about how boring it was at that time.

After the friendship, our two dormitories often form groups to go out to play, climb mountains, go shopping, etc. We are really happy together . In this way, within half a semester, we became very familiar with their dormitory . The other male students in the class were very envious, so they started looking for a girls' dormitory for friendship, just like our dormitory .


However, the relationship between me and the girl never warmed up during the process. Looking back now, it may be because I got to know her slowly that she felt that the other person was not her type .

But every time I see a girl, I'm actually quite embarrassed. Thinking about the words "I like you" and "Love the house and Wu" at that time, I really want to find a hole to dig into .

Since we didn't talk about it, the roommates always thought we were still dating and joked about us, but they knew in their hearts that we might be more suitable to be friends.

Time flies so fast, I'll stop here this time. Next time, I want to tell you some interesting things about our two dormitory gatherings. See you soon! .


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