If one day you have no company to rely on, what is your ability to survive by virtue of it?

How do you know what is right for you and what you are good at? How to learn to deal with this world where landmines are everywhere, how to not collapse in the face of various accidents and setbacks, to be able to stand firm, or to know how to turn, and to find a way to survive well, is the most important thing for a professional person. important.
Confused next step

Recently, I saw that I usually have a dedicated fan group, and they have talked about the various ups and downs experienced by senior professionals in the workplace: the workplace is full of struggles, being plotted against or robbed by the boss or colleagues, performing well but Being forced to retreat...Wait, I feel quite emotional.

It can only be said that those who have been in the workplace for a long time can understand that the workplace is an asura field, full of various political routines and Rashomon. We have been taught since childhood: "As long as you work hard, you will be seen", "Gold will always shine", "If you have the strength and work hard, you will win", "As long as you do it rightly, there will be no difficulty in the world", "Good people have good rewards" , these words are not infallible in the workplace, and sometimes even completely opposite and self-defeating.

Sometimes... no! In many cases, it is not your hard work or ability to complete the task that you will get the corresponding reward, but more importantly, how the boss feels. It doesn't matter what the facts are, what matters is what your boss, the person who can control your life and death, controls your future and future, thinks what the facts are.

Many people have worked hard all their lives and worked hard for the company. You say that if the performance is not good or the people who die are unhappy, that’s all, but I see more people or executives with outstanding abilities who are in the workplace politics. Those who were forcibly torn down and forced to retreat are no less than the mediocre.

why? Why did the people who did their best, why the performance exceeded the standard, and brought beneficial results to the company did not end well? Is it because you are too good that you grab the job of someone who is more mediocre than you but has a higher position than you? Sorry, yes. Sometimes the reality is like this, a diamond will only become dirty in a pile of pig dung and cow dung, and because it is too hard and too bright, it prevents it from being used as fertilizer. Others have to work hard to find a machine to crush your diamond , you said, didn't you bother others to be a fertilizer, and you have to work hard to fuck you! It's really not gregarious!

People with strong ability have heavier responsibilities and do more, and you have to bear the burden when something goes wrong. Why are you so weak? Who told you to take responsibility? Who told you to be willing to do more?

And people with poor ability hang there, or they might even hang in a position higher than you to point fingers at you. Why? Who told them that they dared to speak slanderous words, were thick-skinned enough, didn't have to do everything by themselves, and reserved their energy and strength, just to deal with people whose abilities were so bright that they threatened them! People who are busy doing things have all the energy to complete the task, how can there be such a spare time to deal with villains? You deserve the fight!


And this world, we all hope that his beautiful world is sometimes so ugly.

If you are fortunate enough to be in a corporate environment where rewards and punishments are fair and talents are employed, and you are a talent, then you are really lucky. I really didn't realize until very later how lucky it is to have Bole who appreciates you and is willing to nurture you along the way.

Because there are too many people, good people and talents, but they are consumed and suppressed in the wrong environment, and our innate sense of system is so troublesome that we cannot easily leave the burden of survival and support for our family. , you are lucky if you survive until retirement. The unfortunate people fall in the middle, who will make up for the second half of their life?

Now, if the person who comes to me for career counseling is a freshman in the workplace, sometimes there will be a little entanglement in my heart. The freshman is about to bloom. How can they continue given too many cruel facts? What is the criterion? But I was relieved later, there are always stages in life, just give them the nutrients they need according to the current stage of the other party!

Teaching clients how to keep up with industry trends, how to find a good company, and a good job are of course skills that are just needed, but what is more important is to realize that people’s life spans several decades, and the workplace is changing rapidly. Can a "stable" company guarantee you a safe and secure retirement throughout your life? Can your performance make the company pay to the end? What's more, will you pay for this company to the end?

How do you know what is right for you and what you are good at? How to learn to deal with this world where landmines are everywhere, how to not collapse in the face of various accidents and setbacks, to be able to stand firm, or to know how to turn, and to find a way to survive well, is the most important thing for a professional person. important.

So now slash work and freelance work will become more and more trends. We always teach our children that they will leave their parents one day, so we must learn to live independently as soon as possible, so why teach our children to find a big company to be their lifelong support? Even the parents who gave birth to you can’t expect to depend on them for a lifetime. How can a shopping mall that takes profit as its ultimate consideration be an object that can be expected to be depended on for a lifetime?

What you should rely on is your unreplaceable workplace professionalism, communication ability, integration ability, survivability, etc. The title and salary in the workplace are all given to you by others. What can't be taken away by others? What can you survive without corporate shelter? Cultivating the ability that others can't take away, but also allows oneself to survive, is something that a person should think about whether in the workplace or self-employment.

If one day you have no company to rely on, what is your ability to survive on your own?


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