mood and health

Emotions have a huge impact on health, but they are sometimes overlooked until there is a problem with health.

1. Short-term negative emotions will have an impact on all aspects of people's lives. Long-term negative emotions will directly lead to emotional illnesses, such as anxiety, depression, and dryness, which will affect physical and mental health.

2. Long-term neglect of emotional catharsis and suppression of negative emotions in the heart will directly damage body organs and increase the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer and other diseases.

3. Negative emotions can also affect the skin. Negative emotions are an important factor leading to skin diseases such as acne and eczema. Long-term negative emotions will aggravate the condition of skin diseases.

4. Negative emotions affect the stomach and increase the risk of gastrointestinal diseases. Many people are afraid of going to work. Sometimes they suddenly have stomach pains on the way to work or when they go to work in the company, but they can't find the reason. Most of them are the influence of bad emotions.

There are many aspects of the impact of emotions on physical and mental health. There are many examples. The purpose of this article is to remind everyone to pay more attention to their emotional health, cultivate positive emotions, learn to face up to their negative emotions, and don’t ignore them too much. If you ignore negative emotions for a long time The influence of emotions, one day diseases caused by emotions will come to the door, then be vigilant, or it will be too late, so take precautions before it happens, I hope everyone can have a good mood and good health!


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