SAND Staking with 880% Return!

Earn more passive income by staking

2022 will be a major part of the metaverse Metaverse. All large and small companies and organizations will join the metaverse elements. The SANDBOX, one of the metaverse element games that just started this month, except everyone can enter The Sandbox Alpha to play In addition to the game, yesterday, you can also pledge SAND coins on the Polygon chain with cheaper transaction fees to earn passive income SAND coins. I will see this SAND coin in the next new year. I can earn more SAND coins by staking this method. In addition, the platform currency MATIC on the Polygon chain cannot be ignored. It has begun to show its strength in major applications, so in addition to staking MATIC, I will also use the mining machine to mine more MATIC! If you are interested in mining Matic coins Friends can use this mining pool and program

(For the teaching of mining, please refer to one of my videos )

Yesterday, I saw SAND and MATIC that can be Staking Polygon on the SANDBOX game platform, so I rushed in and tried it at the first time. However, I am not very proficient in the conversion between bridges, and I have tried many methods to no avail. In order to save GAS costs, I have to keep switching. I redeem the MATIC that is being pledged on the BSC chain in my hand, transfer it back to BNB and transfer it to other wallets, then transfer the BNB back to Polygon's MATIC, and then inject it into the Metamask wallet. Then go to QuickSwap to exchange for LP, and finally complete Staking.

The button in the lower right corner can directly bridge SAND coins to Polygon through ERC20

Collect SAND and MATIC on Polygon to convert to LP to pledge

The annual interest rate is 889%!

Seems easy, but since I haven't done it before, it took me over three hours! But there are surprises, the annual interest rate is 889%! It's not in vain at last! Although this rate of return will not last for a long time, it is worth holding these two coins for a long time.


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一燈DIY大家好我是一燈, 我現時主力都是在YouTube, Hive, Steemit, DTube, LBRY分享一些簡單有趣的生活創作DIY作品,慢慢也開始增加了自己生活的記錄點滴。近幾年我都學習不少虛擬貨幣的操作。這些我都會一一在這和大家分享。 Youtube: 一燈DIY IG:
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