Sheya Diary #67 | These Days of Home Learning


So far, I have been on vacation for 13 days. During this period, in addition to chasing dramas, I have to take care of my baby. Of course, there are two types of things to bring a baby, one is washing and cooking in life, and the other is playing with and tutoring, and I am responsible for the latter.

My mother and my mother-in-law are two extremes when it comes to Sheya's study. Every time I make a video with my mother, she always asks how much she has learned today and asks Sheya to recite poems to her. My mother-in-law's point of view is children When I was still young, I mainly wanted to play as much as I wanted, and then I said that when I boarded the small class.

I am neutral, and I think that learning should not be a burden. It is mainly for her to develop habits and cultivate hobbies and so on. It is not impossible to teach some basic knowledge.

I read a lot of guides on Xiaohongshu, most of which focus on math, English, Chinese and puzzle games. I bought the corresponding books for these. I only study for 20 minutes every morning. After a long time, I am afraid that she will lose interest. .

From the day I started teaching her, I could already feel the collapse of the parent's homework. When you feel that you have explained it enough, after more than ten times, she still doesn't understand. She will cry, maybe I feel very wronged, it is true that she is too young.

But there is no shortage of surprises for you. At a certain moment of play, she will surprise you and say something that you can't even teach you several times. Once you get it right, you will be very happy and say that she is great!

With constant encouragement, I finally completed the first chapter of counting, and I learned a few English words, but it takes repetition to deepen my memory, but to be honest, I don’t say that she must be more top-notch, but I hope that in the process Can affect some of her habits.


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