Block World | Why do I still believe in the plummeting LikeCoin?

YK @一杯咖啡的生活
Not because of high reconstruction, but because of...

The cryptocurrency market has plummeted, and it is believed that almost no one in the currency circle is spared. The cryptocurrency I hold the most is LikeCoin, at 0.0078 $USD at the time of writing, down 63.4% from three months ago and 51.2% from a year ago. But it didn't affect my mood.

Because, the LikeCoins I hold are all earned through "work". More importantly, I have confidence in LikeCoin's vision. I believe that one day it will rise to the price it deserves.

Some people say that the "Diamond Hands" (Cantonese: hold and hold) in the currency circle is a belief, but it does not mean that they are all numb followers and superstitions.

During this time, the price of LikeCoin has fallen sharply, but the LikeCoin community is very lively. Because LikeCoin has passed resolutions #44, #45, #46, the technology development of LikeCoin will continue, and the LikeCoin chain will be upgraded to V2.0. For details, please see this article by @Daisy .

This upgrade has high hardware requirements for nodes, and many validators are serious about it. According to the latest information, this important upgrade is expected to take place at 13:33:00 UTC on May 4, which is 9:33 pm Hong Kong and Taiwan time, and the entire LikeCoin chain will be suspended for about 2 hours. Please pay attention!

Some cryptocurrency projects have no real and valuable vision, and there is no continuous development activity in their ecosystem, even if they explode, it is only a momentary brilliance (hope not to offend many people 😅 ). If you pay attention to the LikeCoin ecosystem, you will see that it is slowly growing normally. For example: the newly launched LikeCoin WordPress plugin 2.5.3, the NFT module is already under development and is expected to be tested in May, the LikeCoin chain wallet address will be changed from cosmos1 to like1 and the new and old formats will be compatible. For details, please go to

This is the basis of my "belief" in LikeCoin. I hope the bear market cold wind will end soon🙏

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Me and @Paul. It is a team of validators of the LikeCoin node " BusinessAsMission ".
You are welcome to become our delegator and pledge your LikeCoin to our node, thank you for your support!


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