"6+1" Incident in Yugou Middle School: The government's whitewashing makes Little Pink feel "betrayed"

In response to such a tragic tragedy, it is necessary for students, faculty and parents to set up an independent investigative committee to thoroughly investigate the truth and hold them accountable. Students have the right to form an independent student union, unite and participate in the development of policies to prevent bullying in schools. However, it is impossible for the CCP bureaucracy at all levels to allow any self-governing organization that challenges its authority and the democratic aspirations that threaten the stability of the dictatorship to develop; therefore, only by uniting against the entire reactionary dictatorship under the guidance of the revolutionary socialist program can Chinese youth eradicate this dictatorship. A tyrannical terror.

Link to the original text of China Labor Forum: https://chinaworker.info/zh-hans/2022/06/05/32685/

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Umbrella Students China Labor Forum

On the evening of March 31, 2022, a school bullying tragedy occurred in Anhui Yugou Middle School. The teenager Wang Xinlei was beaten to death by a senior student and six companions in the school dormitory. Early the next morning, Wang Xinlei's parents came to the school gate. His father was wearing a military uniform to plead for his grievances, and he filmed a video to ask for public attention. Once the video spread, it quickly aroused widespread concern and sympathy, and became the hottest public event at the moment.

Soon after, the local police issued a briefing on the matter, saying, "Wang Xinlei died in a physical conflict with another classmate of the same age, and there was no group fight. Wang's father was an ordinary farmer, not a soldier." The public did not buy it. ——In fact, in recent years, the CCP has often lamely "refuted rumors" and gagged public opinion on hot topics on the Internet, which has completely lost its credibility. People went to the local police's social media accounts to denounce the shamelessness of the local police and the corruption of the government, and widely uploaded self-media videos, asking the government to openly investigate and seek justice.

The CCP’s official response is to demand that various media platforms use methods such as canceling relevant hot searches, deleting comments, and blocking videos to forcefully suppress the soaring public opinion. The official media "Shandong Watch" was even banned from Douyin for continuing to pay attention to the incident in Yugou Middle School despite the ban. Wang Fu also posted a video again asking netizens not to spread the matter again. Netizens with narrow eyes found that he had been beaten on his body.

The official move made many indignant "little pinks" feel chilled, and they all said that "if things have been suppressed, they will no longer believe in the party and the country." In the face of these out-of-control nationalists, including veterans, in order to maintain the nationalism cultivated by the CCP’s rule, the CCP dispatched another group of cyber troops, accusing them of “1450” (Taiwan spies, foreign forces) who destroy social stability. .

"School reputation"

This accusation is obviously absurd. Readers from China must have experienced or witnessed school violence: Chinese students not only have to suffer long-term terror and pressure from the system of schools and teachers, but also the relationship between classmates follows the law of the jungle of bullying. Schools always disregard school rules and regulations when dealing with school violence incidents, take sides or simply minimise major incidents based on family background and academic performance, and cover up incidents for the so-called "school reputation". A considerable part of the little pinks on the Internet are middle-class and lower-class youths in big cities, but the reason why they are willing to become supporters of nationalism is directly related to their dissatisfaction with their existing life and their desire to be sheltered by a false national community. The CCP openly sheltered the perpetrators, which naturally disillusioned some little pinks and felt deeply betrayed. It can be seen that the loss of control of nationalist forces can make the CCP's rule even more unstable.

We believe that in response to such a tragic tragedy, it is necessary for students, staff and parents to set up an independent investigative committee to thoroughly investigate the truth and hold them accountable. Students have the right to form an independent student union, unite and participate in the development of policies to prevent bullying in schools. However, the CCP bureaucracy at all levels cannot allow any self-governing organization that challenges its authority and threatens the stable democratic demands of the dictatorship to develop. They will only brutally suppress public opinion, connive with perpetrators, schools and the police, and whitewash the "negative news" , concocted the lie of 6+1=1; therefore, only under the guidance of the revolutionary socialist program can the Chinese youth unite against the entire reactionary dictatorship to eradicate this tyranny and terror.


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