"Strangers Met in Namtso" (9) Drepung Monastery

Drepung Monastery was built 600 years ago. How many years has it witnessed? If a wall could talk, how much could it say? How many joys and sorrows has it witnessed? Years later, will it remember the happy and sad day she spent here with him?
Drepung Monastery

In four days they will be separated.

When she woke up in the morning, she thought.

She had never discussed the subject with him, as if it was something that "Buddha" couldn't say.

But today, she was determined to speak.

Because they only have four days left! She wanted to do something special with him.

"I'm leaving in four days."

"me too."

"Would you like to go to Namtso again tomorrow?"

He looked at her in his arms.

"Alright. During the whole trip, I think Nam Co and Everest Base Camp are the most worthwhile places to visit."

"We don't have enough time to go to Mount Everest again. But I think we can go to Namtso. We can sign up for the tour today, leave tomorrow, go back to Lhasa the day after tomorrow, and go home the day after tomorrow. Isn't it perfect?"

"Okay, that's it!"

He hugged her and kissed her lightly on the face.

Her face turned red again.

After the two went to the travel agency to arrange the next day's trip to Namtso, she took him by car to Drepung Monastery.

There is a big temple there. He and her wandered around, took pictures, and easily passed most of the day.

It is very big and there are not many tourists, so it is very comfortable to walk in. He walked through every corner holding hands with her, looking at the traces of history, suddenly, a little sad.

Drepung Monastery was built 600 years ago. How many years has it witnessed? If a wall could talk, how much could it say? How many joys and sorrows has it witnessed? Years later, will it remember the happy and sad day she spent here with him?

traces of history
View from Drepung Monastery
in Drepung Monastery

Tired of walking, they decided to leave. At the door, he met an uncle Lama who was eating ice cream. He couldn't help but chat with the Lama, who was also a talkative person. The three of them stood at the entrance of Drepung Monastery and chatted in a wonderful way. They talked about the weather, about the itinerary, and about his relationship with her.

The lama asked him, "Is she your girlfriend? She is very good, cherish her."

He smiled a little embarrassedly, but did not respond.

She felt sad and sweet beside her.

After saying goodbye to Uncle Lama, he walked down the mountain with her slowly, and then called a car back to the hotel at the foot of the mountain.

she asked him.

"Are you going to take a nap?"

"what do you want?"

"I'm going to buy souvenirs. If you take a nap, I'll buy it myself."

"Why don't you wait for me to go with you. I'll have enough sleep for more than an hour."


While he was taking a nap, she went to take a shower, and wrote travel notes while drinking coffee in the hotel restaurant.

As she concentrates on writing, someone sits next to her. When she looked up, it was him.

"The kid is really full of energy after taking a nap!"

"Who's the kid?"

"In Hong Kong, children only take naps."

"Wrong! Prejudice! Napping improves productivity!"

She laughed. It was amazing to find that she smiled a lot more. Not a polite smile at work, but a happy smile from the bottom of my heart.

At that moment, she felt that even if she would be sad later, it would be fine to be happy now.

"What's wrong, you're in a daze again."

"No. By the way, do you want to go shopping for souvenirs together?"

"Waiting for you."

So she packed up her things and went out to buy souvenirs with him.

The so-called souvenirs are actually yak jerky. The two of them each figured out how much to buy to take home, the company and give to other relatives and friends.

Her relationship network is simple, just buy it for family members, company colleagues and a few close friends.

He is more complicated. There are also many relatives and friends in different departments of the company...

She was really startled to see the amount he bought.

"I'll pack it up and put it in the hostel tonight, and I won't take it to Namtso."

"Of course. Eating yak jerky in front of a yak doesn't seem like a good idea."

They both laughed again.

After returning the letter to the hostel, they ate something hastily, then went back to the room to pack up and rest.

There were other travelers in the big room that day, and he moved to her bed after everyone was asleep.

She was half asleep and hugged him intuitively.


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namtso一切的一切,都始於納木錯 你見,或者不見我 我就在那裏 不悲不喜 《班扎古魯白瑪的沉默》 扎西拉姆·多多
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