Local experts will take you to play Yudu! The rise of new media in Keelung


The life of modern people is inseparable from the Internet. Before going out for travel, many people often turn on the Internet to search for keywords, look for hidden versions of local food, or follow the host’s footsteps on YouTube channels to visit beautiful mountains and rivers. The scenery, as if he had also experienced the situation first.

In order to promote the beauty of Keelung to all parts of Taiwan, more and more youths from Keelung have returned to their hometowns, using their online marketing talents and creativity to lead the public to view this century-old seaport city from the perspective of the local people.

Local gluttons lead the way, bloggers promote hundreds of snacks in Keelung

Yuan Bin (real name Cai Kaizhong), who grew up in Keelung, started his blog " Yuan Bin's Food Travel Notes " 4 years ago. He has introduced hundreds of local snacks. When it comes to Keelung food, there is always an endless list of pockets. .

"Although I have lived here for more than 30 years, I started to blog and realized that there are many interesting places in Keelung." Yuan Bin said that in addition to the well-known Miaokou Night Market in Keelung, in recent years, there are also Zhengbin Fishing Port, Badouzi, Heping Island and other emerging attractions, but because there are not many local self-media, many "hidden" food attractions are not known to the public.

Yuan Bin, founder of Nano Coffee Studio.

Therefore, Yuan Bin set up a "Namika Studio" in 2021, hoping to support more local bloggers in Keelung to promote tourism in his hometown. At present, the services provided by Namika Studio include the establishment of online marketing courses, the operation of fan pages for local stores, and all-inclusive marketing consulting projects.

Yuan Bin said frankly that the demand for online marketing by local stores in Keelung is still in the early stage of development, and it requires active communication to have a chance, and most of the stores’ marketing budgets are not high at the beginning. "So we usually start from the fan page of acting as a representative, or expose it on my personal blog first, and then it is more likely to talk about cooperation later."

Although it took a lot of effort to communicate with the store in the early stage, Yuan Bin persisted in letting more people know about the good stores in the local area through various creative methods. For example, in August 2021, Namika Studio launched the Keelung Public Welfare Food Season. As long as people donate blood, they can exchange meals at the cooperative Keelung food stores, and at the same time achieve the dual benefits of store exposure and public blood donation.

"A store called Pakistani Curry told me that through this event, more unfamiliar customers really know them, and these customers will come back to buy them after eating." Yuan Bin happily shared: "My biggest motivation, It’s just seeing the stores I help start to shine and even have more income.”

Yuan Bin is committed to making good local stores known to more people.

When participating in the Keelung Youth Entrepreneurship Incubation Rewards and Subsidy Program, Yuan Bin received advice from industry teachers and will continue to strengthen his business development capabilities and expand his own advantages in organizing events and marketing consulting to expand a more stable business model. At the same time, Yuan Bin also actively participated in the promotion activities of the city government. Recently, he also participated in the visit tour organized by Keelung's local special magazine "Sharing Keelung". He looks forward to assisting the city government in marketing the beauty of Keelung through self-media professionals.

In the future, Yuan Bin hopes to build and expand the scale of the local self-media team. In addition to bloggers, he can also connect with opinion leaders from multiple channels such as YouTubers and IG influencers. More good stores worthy of exposure are seen.

A Youtuber who has photographed the streets and alleys of Keelung

Zhang Fukai, who was determined to be the mayor of elementary school, grew up and founded a YouTube channel called " Mayor AKA ". He studied psychology at university, entered a TV station after graduation, and once worked as an assistant to a congressman. He seemed to be very cross-border along the way, but in fact, it was a choice to follow his ideals and seize the current situation.

"My personality is quite daring." Zhang Fukai shared that when he was working in a TV station, he saw the opportunity for the rise of new media, and when he was an assistant to a congressman, he even ran through the alleys of Keelung. Combining the two experiences, This gave Zhang Fukai the idea of using video to market his hometown.

Zhang Fukai, founder of Haoyangjia Studio.

Zhang Fukai and his middle school classmate Cai Nianchen co-founded "Haoyangjia Studio". One has extensive planning experience and the other is professional in editing. The two run a YouTube channel together to introduce people and things in Keelung. In the early days of his business, Zhang Fukai participated in the Keelung Youth Entrepreneurship Incubation Rewards and Subsidy Program, and used the subsidy to build the studio's signboard and make group uniforms, thus building brand awareness.

As more and more people get to know the brand, the revenue of Haoyangjia Studio is currently stable, and the main source of income comes from external sources, such as helping with YouTube, shooting image advertisements, travel videos, etc. Occasionally, some stores launch new product, commissioned the studio to create a graphic design advertisement.

After earning income, Zhang Fukai will then put it into the filming of the AKA Mayor Channel. Zhang Fukai said that he did not charge the store for filming at all, and even paid for the food himself. "Because I am a child in Keelung, I want to give back to the villagers with my expertise."

What makes Zhang Fukai feel most fulfilled is the affirmation from the local store. Zhang Fukai shared that he once went to shoot a store that was just established. After the video was released, the store said that the business was much better. "They said that they originally closed at 8 pm, but now they are sold out at 3 pm!"

Zhang Fukai uses video to market his hometown scenery.

With the popularity of new media, anyone with a mobile phone can become a YouTuber. However, Zhang Fukai admits frankly that working in the media industry requires you to think about ideas all the time, the pressure is not small, and you can't be popular for three minutes. "When I made a video, only a few dozen people watched it, and I made it step by step."

Finally, Zhang Fukai encouraged local youths in Keelung who want to start a business. If their life is not lacking, they might as well try to start a business based on their own interests and majors, and maybe they can find their own place.

SyndAvant brings together creative people who are willing to apply their creativity and expertise to transform and advance society. We call them Avantists. This series of interviews will show you how these Avantists manage their professions, use their talents and influence, and then form a positive influence on society.

Editor: Guo Jieling Photography: Han Yunqing Review: Vera


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