The lonely island where mountain and sea lines meet


__The isolated island where the mountain and sea lines meet, the convenience store on the platform__

There are countless things to observe while waiting for the bus, such as station staff or outsourced cleaning staff from the station, secretly watching their actions from an appropriate distance. Or look at the opposite side from the platform going south, and find that the existence of supermarkets at night is very eye-catching.

lights in the night

I remember that the third platform in high school was Lairford. There was a transition period in the middle, but I went home too few times to clearly record his history of changes. At this moment, the light on the platform is also red and white. In the OK supermarket, I thought it was not finished when I changed trains in the morning, so I went out of the station to buy breakfast for the whole family. Only when I came down the stairs from the platform, I found that OK came into view, and there was a small red bean cake stall next door, which was a misstep.

Crowds brought in by train

Like an isolated island, people only visit when the platform trains come in. The clerk moves in the narrow, long and flat space. The back of the red uniform walks back and forth inside and outside the store. There is a small cash register on the left side of the door. The hot food machines on the shelf are arranged in order. On the floor are beverage cartons. The shelves are decorated with colorful colors, and snacks are placed on the rotating shelves. The door can only accommodate one person in and out. The store may face the possibility of rubbing shoulders at any time, but it should not be seen often. After all, the trains enter the station at intervals to avoid After the crowds of people heading north on mornings and holidays, he returned to his contemplative appearance by himself.

After the train leaves the station, the platform becomes deserted again

The only partners are the adjoining red bean cake stand and the vending machine brother 20 meters away.

How many people looked at him from the south platform all day long, and the shadows overlapped across the windows of the incoming trains. These trains that crossed parallel to him every day may have cultivated fleeting feelings with him, especially Mr. 7 In the seventh carriage, there are all kinds of trains running all over Taiwan in the rear yard. Have you met other supermarket partners between the south and the north?

The car is moving as if the supermarket is also moving

Peeping OK from various angles
OK said: I have seen sneak shots on the opposite side and I have seen it in different angles.


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