si Kaoru | Embrace any moment of life

Embrace any moment of life, perhaps an instant is an eternity.
The beauty at dusk always makes people reluctant to let go of their eyes

🌿 Love that flows

Today, I took my mother-in-law to re-evaluate the major injury and illness card. When I arrived at the hospital, it was really crowded. I waited for a long time outside the clinic. At 11 o'clock, I finally arrived. My mother-in-law has suffered a stroke for the 16th year. Dementia is deteriorating during this epidemic. What's more, she forgot our names, and only remembered her husband who accompanied her all her life. The relationship between her parents-in-law and her mother-in-law will really make people believe in love. It is love that has no passion but only a steady stream of water.

Every time I ask my mother-in-law who is the most handsome, her eyes are always shining, and she says with a smile that it is her husband. Even if her mother-in-law has had a stroke for so long, her father-in-law will go to see her mother-in-law's eldest sister. It's really touching. No wonder people in the nursing center treat my mother-in-law very well. Except when the epidemic was severe, my father-in-law always went to see my mother-in-law regardless of the weather, and brought her favorite red guava to see her. , Even though it was very cold, my father-in-law still went out in the cold wind. I hope he can stay at home so as not to feel unwell. Seeing it, I feel so sad.

This feeling is as plain as water, but it cannot be without it. It is a part of life. It is really touching to have a hair like this for a lifetime. There are many scumbags in this world. Men like father-in-law, such a husband who will spoil his wife, it is really rare. The next time someone sees my father-in-law, they will tell me that your husband must be very similar to my father-in-law, but I am sorry that he is not, because he is like a mother-in-law and a man like the father-in-law, who can't be found even with a lantern, which is very touching. , Yes, the father-in-law will ask his son to do it. Thanks to the father-in-law for his demonstration, the son can't say anything.

🌿God will bless

When the mother-in-law saw the doctor, she didn't say a word at first, but suddenly she said to the doctor, "Doctor, you are very handsome!" This sentence made the doctor laughed. I have a wheelchair. I called the social work office and asked if the social work office could arrange to help my mother-in-law for a visit and evaluation. The other party immediately told the doctor that my mother-in-law could go there. It was very happy. A patient like my mother-in-law really has a hard time every time I go out. Thank you to the doctor. Enthusiastic to help, let us run a Zhao less, mother-in-law can not be tired.

We finally completed the task. We took my mother-in-law to a meal near the hospital. Her mother-in-law was a vegetarian, so I found a brunch restaurant and ordered a vegetarian and vegetable toast set meal for my mother-in-law. In the past, my mother-in-law could eat by herself. , I asked the store to help me cut the toast into small pieces. Feeding her one bite at a time, watching the mother-in-law and mother in the store chatting happily, while the mother-in-law is living in her own world for longer and longer, and the time she wakes up is getting shorter and shorter, watching her eat happily, saliva drooling At that moment, I wiped the corner of her mouth with toilet paper, and I was really reluctant to give up. Maybe she didn't know her troubles, but it was another kind of happiness.

I opened the photo on my phone and showed my mother-in-law the scenery and flowers I took recently. I once told her that I would take a lot of beautiful photos for her to see. Seeing her smiling brightly and saying she was beautiful, I was full Full of motivation, I really want to accomplish many things I want to do as soon as possible, while I am healthy, no one knows what the future will be like? This also has a deep impact on me, losing my health, my family is always more tired than myself, embracing any point in life, perhaps an instant is forever.

hair end for a lifetime


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si薰金融業的我 斜槓人生 面對未來,換一種心情 面對工作,换一種思維 面對自己,誠實以對 面對別人,輕鬆以對 新的年度,新的目標
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