Strange Sad People|Wen Yong's Poems


It must be someone who feels the sadness of someone who is so low.

whoever you are,
I want you to know,
Your sadness is not that nobody understands,
It's just that you never knew.

I'll help you break down some grief,
Eat the sadness you find hard to swallow,
The rest is up to you.

This invisible barrier,
let me feel your sorrow,
It would be nice if the energy transferred would be bidirectional,
I can pass on consolation to you,
To that mysterious you.

get well soon,
dear stranger,
I'm watching when this Kanqi disappears,
That's brave, you cut the kan qi.

Creative theme: strange sad people

Creative meaning:

I believe we all have the feeling that we have been rashly attacked by sentimentality. Obviously one minute I was in a good mood, and the next minute it rained down a city.

This kind of thing happens to me a lot, and sometimes I feel like a little elf is bringing a stranger's emotions into my heart and holding us together (sounds a bit grotesque, right). His elf conveyed his emotions to me, maybe knowing that my self-healing ability is not bad, and wanted me to share some of it for him.

Just thinking about it like this, I don't seem to be so sad, and even speed up the speed of self-healing.

Creator: Wen Yongshi

Creation time: December 21, 109

Link to the original one-page poetry collection


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