TV shows, Jin Yong is gone and a film review

I seldom watch TV, even variety shows. I recently watched the episode of "Wonderful Flowers", Lei Jun, and the debaters on both sides performed very well, but it's good to watch one episode, and I probably won't watch it again in the future.

TV show

I seldom watch TV, even variety shows. I recently watched the episode of "Wonderful Flowers", Lei Jun. The debaters on both sides performed very well, but it's good to watch one episode, and I probably won't watch it again in the future.

We have all been poisoned by "art" and become slaves to methodology. Behind the words we speak are human feelings and sophistication. This is the strength of Chinese culture. Most of the books of our ancestors talk about this set, the art of mastering people. Or as Confucius said, do not do to others what you do not want to do to yourself.

Lei Jun on "Wonderful Flowers"

Language is an invention of human beings, and many human defects are also reflected in language. It is imprecise, rare in reason, objective is extravagant, and emotional. In addition, human emotions, all things in the world, can language be exhausted?

Any point of view that can be expressed in words can be refuted. A lie repeated thousands of times becomes the truth. It is not that a lie is the truth. The repetition is the catalyst of the whole process. Humans are situational animals with strong plasticity. Have Stockholm Syndrome.

The situation is sufficient and the conditions are complete, and almost anyone can be shaped into anyone. This is probably brainwashing. There are countless man-made disasters, Hitler's ethnic cleansing, the Cultural Revolution, and the tyranny of the Red Cotton. These have nothing to do with the cult of personality and the essence of pyramid selling. Second.

I used to be puzzled about MLM, but now I'm lucky to have avoided it. If I were them, I wouldn't necessarily be different from them. It's only a matter of time before I fall. It has nothing to do with IQ or education. It's just because you're a human being, and it's a human bug, a bug Is it more than this one?

How to fix these bugs? The only solution that comes to mind is to allow information to flow freely and to democratize information. That's the great thing about the Internet. Let any information flow freely, thoughts are not restricted, speech can be free, and tolerance becomes a consensus. Maybe human's own bugs will eventually be overcome by technology, but while technology is overcome, will there be complications?

Jin Yong is gone

Mr. Cha passed away, and there are no heroes in the world!

Not a fan of martial arts, I read Gu Long and "The Prodigal Son of a Border Town" in my first year of junior high.

Reading Jin Yong is a matter of adulthood. I was fascinated by "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", and then finished the related "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" and "The Legend of the Dragon and Sword", and then watched "The Deer and Ding Ding Ji".

Jin Yong

Looking back, comparing Gu Long and Jin Yong is quite simple, they are geniuses and masters.

The world thinks that martial arts are superficial, and Mr. Cha's martial arts are not superficial.

Mr. Cha's emotional experience is rich. In the 1960s and 1970s, he wrote most of Ming Pao's articles under different pseudonyms. He supported Ming Pao by one person, coupled with the knowledge of Bo Wenqiang, making Mr. Cha's novels more than martial arts. , is a romance novel, a historical novel, and a political novel. Among the Chinese, the most famous reader is Deng Xiaoping.

Wang Shuo once wrote an article criticizing Jin Yong, but Mr. Cha responded simply: Mr. Wang is a smart person. Wang Shuo's criticism is justified, and martial arts novels have their own routines, so there is no need to hide them.

For me, the greatest charm of Mr. Zha's novels lies in the text. The concise and simple writing is first-class. If you don't believe me, find the fragments of "The Deer and Ding Ding" to read aloud, read aloud instead of reading it, and then try to rewrite it, you will feel it. Mr Cha is amazing.

In the end, it is an old-fashioned intellectual who still misses temples in the arena. This is probably the traditional knot of Chinese scholars and officials, and it is also the psychological background of many unusual behaviors in his later years. The longer you live in the rivers and lakes, the more you think about the temple. Mr. Cha's later years are a history of returning to orthodoxy, but it is only a discerning eye that this orthodoxy is already riddled with holes!

In his later years, the ending of the novel was revised, and the world was puzzled. Talking about the relationship between Duan Yu and Wang Yuyan, Mr. Zha said, I am so good to you, but you still ignore me, why should you continue (not the original words, but the effect is so), thinking that there are too few people like Duan Yu in the world, and you should The revision is to move closer to the classic novels. I vaguely feel that martial arts are popular novels, and it is difficult to be elegant. The inferiority complex in Mr. Cha's consciousness makes people feel distressed!

What is even more controversial is that Mr. Cha went to Zhejiang University as a Ph.D. supervisor of the History Department, joined the Writers Association and other actions, which became a source of intellectual attacks. He was as stubborn as Mr. Cha, despite the controversy, still insisted.

I think this is Mr. Cha's cuteness. He is as savvy as Cha Liangyong. Don't you know how powerful it is. The attacker treats others with his own heart, and he does not show or does not want to show his pure conscience.

Mr. Cha passed away, and there are no heroes in the world!

a movie review

In this film, the director tells two stories in a vulgar way, one is how good men become bad and the other is how bad men become good.

A good man becomes bad, a woman who is just right is enough, and a bad man needs only one woman to become good, but this woman has to be infatuated enough. Coincidentally, the same woman plays the two roles.

The role of this woman was so heavy that the director had to arrange a car accident to kill her, otherwise how the movie ended was a big problem, so the woman had to die in line with the plot.

A good man is beyond redemption, but a bad man finally wakes up and staged a story of a prodigal son. , In the blink of an eye, he turned into a good man, with responsibilities and responsibilities, and the position of advancing, attacking, retreating and defending allows bad men to take advantage of the love market.

And what a good man leaves to people is just a sigh, the good reputation of the past is also broken in the face of reality, a sigh is worth a thousand words, and the coolness of the world will appear in a blink of an eye, so the audience only sighs at the end of the good man, I couldn't help but sigh: Brother, I am a bad man!

When I finish watching the movie, I think carefully, where is the story of two men, this is clearly just a story of a woman, a legendary story about a woman's short life, and this woman is the real story of this film. the protagonist!

She changed the life trajectories of the two men. While alive, she decided the ups and downs of the movie. When she died, the plot still revolved around her, and the ending was still perfect. The sins she made were repaid with death, but it was really not a crime. In the end, the director and the screenwriter worked together to kill her.

And her death brought back the prodigal son of a bad man, so she owed nothing to the world, and she did Lei Feng once.

Goethe said that the eternal woman leads us up, in fact, in this sentence, Goethe omitted three words: or down.


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