Bauhinia flowers on the roadside


Bauhinia flowers on the roadside The Hibiscus Avenue passes through this Hibiscus Avenue every day to and from get off work, and both sides of the road are full of Bauhinia flowers. The warm sunlight in the morning shines beautifully on the fuchsia flowers. Many times I want to stop to take pictures, but I have to rush to work and have no time to take pictures. And the other side of the road when I get off work is not as lush as the flowers here.

Today, I finally couldn't help but take out my mobile phone and took a quick photo. Although the photo was not very good, I finally used the photo to retain the beautiful side of the Bauhinia 😂

The long, thin and long branches of Bauhinia flower stretch straight to both sides, leaving no gaps. The flower branches are covered with small lilac buds, which are really beautiful.


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