Original Character Drawing | The Medicine Witch is complete! (including process diagrams)

XiaoSA 小颯
It took half a month from the sketch to the finished draft. I wanted to give up the draft for a while, but I was afraid that if I abandoned it again, there would be nothing left, so I just rescued her www. There are a lot of pictures, please enjoy it slowly xD

🔮 Medicine witch

This time, the finished work is the witch who makes medicine—! I thought I would draw another avatar before finishing her xD
Maybe I was tired too, so I left my avatar and ran to look for a standing painting that I haven't painted for half a month.

Done! (n*´ω`*n)

🔮 Drawing process

01-Sketch and rough color matching

Nice color! But I always feel that the posture is a bit weird, maybe it's the angle of the mallet (;´Д`)?
So I changed it to this version, riding the mallet as a broom, killing two birds with one stone!

02-Adjusted the pose and roughly up and down colors

Probably at this stage, I suddenly feel like I want to give up the manuscript because I feel that the color is very bad, and I also feel like I want to repaint... In short, leave it for a few days.

03-Modify and repair

Decided to finish the painting obediently (;・∀・)
Fix the color and make it softer overall! The primary and secondary have also done a bit more obvious.

04-Fix the tone, adjust the shape

Fixed the color, and I feel that the human body is too stiff, it's okay, open PS!
Use the liquefaction tool to adjust it, OK! After repairing the color and human body, the next step is to refine it~

05- Refine the texture
06- Refine the texture, separate the front and back
07- Still happy refinement
08-Worry about how to arrange the screen
09-It's done!

Then...a lot of friends told me that they liked 02's smile, so they repaired her back to smiling. Well, I seem to understand why you like it. It's really cute ( ´∀` )

🔮 Review Time

I feel that I was too loose at 02, I didn't take into account the overall shadow, but the refreshing color made it difficult to carry out the refinement program later. It took seven hours to repair to the effect of 03! ! !
(;・∀・) You can’t rely too much on your feelings, you have to be a little more restrained, so as not to explode later

It also takes too much time in the texture stage, most of which is to find the wrong reference hard painting ಥ_ಥ
Take your time to find the correct reference, otherwise the time spent in the previous drawing will be wasted ಥ_ಥ

🍁 Survival advertisement at the end of the article

Hi! I'm Xiao Sa, a little creator who makes a living by drawing. We accept portrait drawing , exquisite illustration , character design & stand-up drawing , Q -version Xiaowa, and customized template commission <br class="smart">Also accept simyan Paint ! Just provide a photo, and you can draw the desired pose~ Attention! Change of style is not accepted~
Please read carefully before entrusting: Drawing Order Instructions, Price Reference List

Types that are not on the project, such as graphic typesetting design , simple dynamic production , etc. are also welcome to inquire!


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

XiaoSA 小颯委託工作/精緻插畫/角色設計/我流排版/簡易動態 以繪圖維生的小小創作者,歡迎同好交流~! 在這裡主要以更新個人畫作(含委託)為主 開放繪圖委託,歡迎詢問! 個人委託網站|https://souart18.wixsite.com/xiaosa-compr 連結樹|https://shor.by/souart18
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