【Korean Life】New Crown Diagnosis Log

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Original link: [Korean Life] New Crown Diagnosis Log | juinjuin Korean Life

Yes, as the title says, I also "finally" diagnosed.

In fact, I have long foreseen that I will be diagnosed one day. It is only a matter of time before I stay in Korea to be diagnosed. I am almost the only friend around me who has not been diagnosed, and South Korea has not been diagnosed since May 1, 2022. The subsidy (100,000 won) will be distributed again, and there is no need to isolate any more. The medical expenses are all paid by yourself, which means that it is completely treated as a common cold, so I think it is better to be diagnosed when the subsidy is still available. XDD

first day of symptoms

On the night of 4/27, I started to have a strange feeling in my throat and started coughing. At that time, I thought it should be a hit. However, the result of my quick test was negative, but I thought it was unlikely, so the original I wanted to go to the health care for a PCR test, but my friend said that he would only do the PCR test for you if the quick screening was positive, so I had no choice but to wait for the next day to quickly screen again.

The first day of rapid screening negative

But just in case, although the quick test was negative, I didn't go out since the first day.

The day after symptoms appear

When I woke up the next morning, my throat became really sore, and my whole body started to feel weird. I couldn't tell what the discomfort was, but it was just weird, so I quickly screened again, and this time it really surfaced. There are two lines, although the second line is quite inconspicuous, here is just a reminder to everyone, as long as there is even a little bit in the T part, it is positive! (Please refer to the picture below)

Test positive the next day

So after the online class in the morning (this class was originally offline, it just happened to be changed to online only once this week, it turned out that I was destined to be diagnosed at this time (?? I went to the health care to do PCR immediately, and the result would not wait until the next day) I'll come out, so I'll go home and rest right after I'm done.

I didn't expect that I would be so uncomfortable after taking 4 doses. My friends were diagnosed with just a little sore throat before, and they all took 3 doses, so I thought I only had a sore throat at most, Even asymptomatic, but I really feel like a phrase that often appears in the news, "I feel like I was hit by a truck", it's really uncomfortable, and I can't even sleep because it's too uncomfortable, and it's not at all. appetite…

And this is probably the most uncomfortable day for me.

Related Articles: [Korea Life] I took 4 doses of the new crown vaccine… | juinjuin Han Life

Remember that if the quick screening is positive, take the quick screening materials to the health center and give them to them, and never throw them away!

The third day after the onset of symptoms (the first day of being officially diagnosed)

After getting up on the third day, I had a fever, so I ate the Puna Pain that I brought from Taiwan, and it was much better. Later, I received a text message from the health center informing me of the test result. No surprise, it was positive.

People diagnosed before 5/1 have to be quarantined at home for 7 days, and the first day starts from the day when I receive the confirmation text message, so I will be quarantined at home from 4/28 until 24:00 on 5/3 before I can go out again .

fever to 38 degrees

But after that night, my body suddenly improved a lot, the fever subsided, and the truck on my body drove away. XD

The only thing left was a sore throat, but the symptoms of nasal congestion and runny nose began to appear.

The fourth day after the onset of symptoms (the second day after being officially diagnosed)

I can only breathe through my mouth because my nose is stuffy when I go to bed at night, so when I wake up in the morning my throat is very dry and it hurts a lot, but after I get up and drink warm water for a while, my throat is much better. The symptoms of runny nose and a little cough are gone, and the nasal congestion is a little better than the day before, but there is still a little bit of congestion.

The fifth day after the onset of symptoms (the third day of being officially diagnosed)

I recovered about 95% that day, almost completely healed, no more coughing, no more runny nose, almost all nasal congestion disappeared, and my appetite has completely recovered. Because I have almost fully recovered, the following process until the end of the quarantine will be skipped and directly to the last day, anyway, it is just kept at home XD

Quarantine is over, thoughts

In fact, by the 5th day or so, your body will be completely healed, and you will be alive and kicking (although you can only dance at home XD), but in fact, when you are in isolation, no one cares about you at all, no phone, no need to report the situation, and no mobile phone. The positioning is completely self-isolation, so I believe that there should be many people who will sneak out even if they are diagnosed and quarantined... But I hereby declare that I am obediently staying at home!!

On the seventh day, the rapid screening was also negative.

On the last day of isolation, quick screening recovered negative

As for the symptoms, I originally thought I was a bit serious, but I looked at the symptom classification and found that the symptoms I mentioned above are all mild symptoms. Many of them will have these symptoms two days before the diagnosis, and the mild symptoms are already so bad. It's painful. How miserable are the severe ones><I have a friend who was diagnosed with only one dose of the vaccine because the side effects of the vaccine are too serious. It's been in pain for more than a month, it's really pitiful ㅠㅠ So please, can you get the vaccine? You have to fight, and after you have played the role, you will make up for it. Don't regret it when you get super painful!

In addition, I was released from quarantine on 5/4, and since May 2 in South Korea, it is not mandatory to wear masks outdoors. It has been more than two years... The day when you can take off your masks has finally come ㅠㅠ (Although almost everyone still wears masks at the moment, that's all. Still scared XD)

I don’t know when Taiwan will be able to follow the pace of the world’s unblocking. Taiwanese students abroad all think that Taiwanese are too panicked. As long as the vaccine is vaccinated, they are usually careful, but it’s really nothing. Don't worry~ I really want to show everyone how comfortable South Korea is, as the most serious country in the world. XD However, Taiwan has been relaxing recently, which is a good phenomenon!

The point is that I don't want to go back to Taiwan and have to be quarantined ㅠㅠㅠ

The above is purely personal experience and is for reference only.


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