Dad always stinks on rainy days

Continuous rainy days, for the commuters, only the inconvenience of commuting to and from get off work, but for the farmers and workers who watch the sky to eat, it is a livelihood problem!

On the days of continuous rain, the stinky face of my childhood father appeared. If my sister and I didn't know how to be funny and noisy, we would inevitably be scolded and scolded. The eldest brother and the second brother said that my eldest sister and I were lucky. We were only scolded and looked at in disgusting faces. When my father was young and angry, he directly beat people with bamboo sticks, and the chances of being beaten were the most in rainy days.

The father, who is a farmer and a handyman, takes care of the family. There is no way to do outdoor work, a family of ten, three meals a day and school, everything costs money, no wonder my father is upset.

Although my father loves me very much, that stinky face is still scary. Eating at the same table with grandpa, we can't start it before we move chopsticks, fish, meat and other good dishes, if grandpa grabs the chopsticks first, we will see a stinky face; Noisy, I don't know if it gets in the way of my father, and I will be scolded.

Afraid of smelly face to marry a funny man

This kind of growth experience makes me like to associate with interesting and witty men, and it is best to laugh a lot, and Mr. is such a person.

Every evening, colleagues are rushing to draft. When the atmosphere in the local group is tense, he belongs to the real estate group who is late for the deadline. He is cheerful and helpful. He enters the group office and helps the supervisor and everyone who are hungry and have low blood sugar and bad temper to order. Bento, but also jokes, soothing the supervisor's emotions.

So when he pursued it, it was natural to accept it.

Advantages become disadvantages after marriage

The advantages that attracted you at the beginning often become disadvantages after marriage. I believe many married women feel this way. me too! Willing to help others, busy helping others, the affairs of outsiders are often more important than the affairs of the family, and they are often not at home, so they have to do everything by themselves.

Participating in various social activities outside, joking and entertaining people, when I get home, I have no strength to care about the other half, become a sofa potato, lie down watching TV, and slide my phone.

My father-in-law used to be in politics and business, and he always spends more time away than at home. He spends more time running for the countryside than taking care of his family. Since he was a child, he watched his mother-in-law take care of everything, from family expenses, tuition to three meals. It's natural to think that these are the things that the wife should do, and he can be "an Le Gong".

Livelihood stress keeps dad from laughing

Coming from a traditional Hakka family where the father shoulders the family, it is inevitable that there will be a sense of gap in comparison. I understand better why my father always has a bad face on rainy days and doesn't smile very much, because he has a heavy burden and life pressure. It has rained for several days, which means that he can't go to odd jobs to earn money for several days, and his family may be out of cooking. , the rain is too much and the fruit is not harvested, which will make the situation worse.

Continuous rainy days, for the commuters, only the inconvenience of commuting to and from get off work, but for the farmers and workers who watch the sky to eat, it is a livelihood problem!


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