Share_Chaohe Cake Shop: Small Moon Cakes, Vegetarian White Chips, Vegetarian Mung Bean Peng

Share_Chaohe Cake Shop: Small Moon Cakes, Vegetarian White Chips, Vegetarian Mung Bean Peng

happy mid-Autumn Festival!

Because of the Mid-Autumn Festival, I especially went to [Chaohe Cake Shop] in Lukang to buy moon cakes. My family often buys the white slices and winter melon cakes here. Bye-Bye.

• Small moon cakes (4 pieces): The fillings are mainly mung beans and white beans, which are loose when cut but do not fall apart. The outer skin has a very fragrant and creamy aroma. In addition to the common mung bean filling taste, I feel that it has a little coconut milk fragrance.

• Vegetarian White Chips (3 pieces): The fillings are mainly potato flour and sugar. Compared with the moon cakes filled with mung bean, the color will be whiter and the sweetness will be sweeter. And the filling made of powder is pressed more firmly, so it will taste drier and more absorbent.

• Vegetarian mung bean fen (3 pieces): Like the small moon cake, the filling is mainly mung bean, but it is denser like mung bean paste. My dad, who loves mung bean fenugreek, said that the cream was a little too much, and he thought it tasted like the filling of soufflé bread. But the taste of this one is really more my favorite than the other two 🥰

Nutrition labels and ingredients are now more and more clear, unlike before with a simple expiration date. Or it is marked with moon cakes, but there are various fillings cut. (Looking at the calorie indication, do I want to cut one and eat it 🥮)

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想吃甜食的貓🍰🍞🥞🥪🍔☕🍛🍝 ✨蝦皮的餅乾清單: 【自己的贊助自己拉】沒錯,使用上面的連結購買,都可以讓我得到一點點的回饋金,光是能看到這行字就很感謝你了🙌贊助我買更多食物開箱
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