Can I still be admitted to a public office even if I haven’t completed the blessings from the teachings?

In order to take the national examination, the disciple requested Dharma from the Jingshe three times. The first Dharma request was in mid-May of 103. As a result, the disciple had to recite the sutras 188 times. He also vowed to donate 5,000 yuan a month to help widows and widowers. He also had to pray to the Jade Emperor. Ask for three holy seals. The disciple had less than 2 months left before the exam and could not finish the recitation. However, the disciple had already started to go to the Buddhist temple to practice blessings and clean the environment to help with temple affairs. The second request for Dharma was in March 104, and the results of the teaching required reciting the sutras 168 times each. The Buddha and Bodhisattva also made it clear that the college entrance examination in July this year was more beneficial than the local special examination at the end of the year...

The following is a senior sister’s self-report, as published in the letter:

I am grateful to the Buddha and Bodhisattvas of the Jingshe and my brothers and sisters for giving me the opportunity to make Dharma offerings. I first became acquainted with the Jingshe because I was helpless and had a hard time taking the civil service exam. The disciples spent a total of five years before passing the common examination.

I confess that my disciples have been studying Buddhism for many years, but they have never been obedient, stopped doing evil, and practiced good deeds. It was not until I was over thirty, with nothing accomplished in my career, running into obstacles everywhere, and being despised by others, that I realized the importance of blessing.

However, the Buddha and Bodhisattvas were compassionate and discovered the "Collection of Cause and Effect to Help the World" published by Jingshe at the charity bookstore outside the library. When the disciple sees that the monastery emphasizes personal karma and hinders the individual, he should recite sutras honestly, be an honest person and do things, and be able to strictly manage the rules and observe the precepts of the chain cultivation group. If his intentions are not right, he will withdraw his magical power, and he will not accept money or force cultivation to expand his power. Know that you can trust Vihara.

1. Asked three times for the exam

In order to take the national examination, the disciple requested Dharma from the Jingshe three times. The first Dharma request was in mid-May of 103. As a result, the disciple had to recite the sutras 188 times. He also vowed to donate 5,000 yuan every month to help widows and widowers. He also had to pray to the Jade Emperor. Ask for three holy seals. The disciple had less than 2 months left before the exam and could not finish the recitation. However, the disciple had already started to go to the Buddhist temple to practice blessings and clean the environment to help with temple affairs.

The second request for Dharma was in March 104, and the result of the teaching was that each sutra must be recited 168 times. The Buddha and Bodhisattva also made it clear that the college entrance examination in July this year was more beneficial than the local special examination at the end of the year. At that time, the disciple tried his best to recite the Ksitigarbha Sutra, but was constantly disturbed. Originally, he could finish reciting the Ksitigarbha Sutra in one hour, but instead he could not finish reciting the Ksitigarbha Sutra in two hours. That feeling was like I was stuck on a certain passage and couldn't read on. I had a headache and shoulder pain, but I was obviously very focused. If a disciple really can't recite the classics, he will go to the temple to practice blessings. I am willing to do menial work under the bright sun, and I am not afraid that others will look down on me. Because I know where the blessings will come from if I don’t practice, I can change my destiny. Besides, my disciples have done too little and are far inferior to the brothers and sisters who really practice.

One month before the exam, the disciples had only recited 144 volumes of the Ksitigarbha Sutra and dozens of volumes of the Medicine Master Sutra and the Diamond Sutra. After I took the college entrance examination in July, I just felt that I had not finished reciting the sutras, and I did poorly in the exam, so there was no chance of me getting on the list.

The third time I requested Dharma was in mid-July 2014 (after the college entrance examination and before the results were released). I requested Dharma for the local special examination at the end of the year, and the results were 240 scriptures each. As a result, the results were released in mid-September 104. Just as the Buddha and Bodhisattvas clearly stated that this exam was more favorable, the disciple passed the exam.

2. On the day after the Dragon Boat Festival, my bicycle ran over the shriveled green snake body.

Two days after the Dragon Boat Festival (late June), the disciple rode his bicycle and ran over the body of a shriveled green snake. The disciple was very frightened. The years of unsatisfactory results made the disciple not dare to underestimate offenses, spells, curses or grievances, and go to the Jingshe. To ask for the result, you need to recite each sutra 18 times to resolve grievances and knots with Green Snake Bodhisattva.

There was less than a month left before the exam, and I had not finished reciting the scriptures for the exam. The disciple felt at that time that I would not be able to finish reciting the scriptures 168 times before the exam, so it would be better to meet Green Snake Bodhisattva earlier. Resolving grievances and resolving knots,

Furthermore, I was hindered every time I took the exam, so it would be better to complete the dedication before the exam. With one less enemy, friend, and creditor to hinder me, I would have more hope. After the dedication was completed, the disciple felt very happy. I often feel that maybe I passed the exam this time because I fulfilled this karma first.

3. The chanting of sutras caused constant interference and I asked for help twice.

"Ksitigarbha Sutra" says: "There are old karmic obstacles that cannot be eliminated, so there is no ability to read and recite Mahayana sutras." The disciple has been feeling dizzy, headache, and having his neck pulled since he started chanting sutras, and as long as he wants to recite diligently The stronger the sutra thoughts, the more severe the dizziness, often laziness or physical discomfort, and the inability to muster the energy to finish reciting sutras. I often get into trouble with the scriptures and keep repeating one section of the scripture, but I can’t finish reciting the next section of the scripture. The disciple is definitely not confused!

For this reason, the Buddha and Bodhisattva’s compassionate teachings were caused by interference from external spirits for the first time, and interference from external spirits for the second time. Each time, the monastery helped to deal with the problem on site, and there was a significant improvement! The situation of ghosts hitting the wall with scriptures has changed from more than two hours to more than one hour, and sometimes it doesn't even interfere. The effect is very obvious.

4. I have been suffering from lower back pain for many years (severe strain on my gluteus maximus). I have been unable to see well for many years, and the pain is even worse every time I want to do more volunteer work or intensively chant sutras.

The compassionate instructions of the Buddha and Bodhisattva were caused by interference from external spirits. After being treated by the monastery, the situation has been greatly improved. The pain in the lower back no longer occurs so frequently. Volunteer work and blessings are also going more smoothly. When the pain does come back, the medicine taken is lighter than before. More effective.

5. Marriage is blocked by the talisman, Bodhisattva compassionately gives the talisman to resolve it

The student is over thirty, and the people he has liked since college are all married or married.

I had a partner, and the disciple's appearance was not bad at that time; I carefully observed and judged whether the other person had a partner, and even read many related articles, but every time I saw the wrong person like a ghost hiding my eyes.

For more than ten years, no one has gotten it right. After suffering a lot, I also vaguely felt something was wrong. Until one day when I was practicing blessings in the temple, a senior sister who was self-taught in heavenly language without a teacher said that my marriage was blocked and refused to answer me if I asked again.

After asking for instructions from the Jingshe, the result was that the marriage was blocked because of a talisman. At first I thought it was impossible, but then I thought about how reckless I was when I was young. Who knows if I might offend people? I obediently finished washing the eleven talismans. The Bodhisattva also made it clear that the right match will appear in the next year, and the sutras need to be recited 168 times sincerely to dedicate the merits and deeds to make the marriage better. After the dedication is completed, recite "Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva's Universal Door" twice a day. When the accumulation reaches 150 times, the letter will be dedicated to the marriage between the two people. The more recitations, the better.

I also felt dissatisfied. Why was it that every time I asked for instructions, I encountered so many obstacles and so few blessings? But the cause and effect is self-inflicted, not to mention that I have not been submissive since I was a child, so this result is not unexpected. I understand that everything is caused by karma and retribution, and I am lucky enough to meet Muni Vihara who is willing to guide me and lead me to practice good deeds and change my destiny. Disciples have done too little and are still far from the standard of true Buddhist disciples. We need to work harder.

When I asked for help from the monastery, I had nothing. My family also opposed me reciting sutras and getting in touch with Buddhism. At this time, Muni Buddha, Bodhisattva and my brothers and sisters are willing to help me unconditionally. I am truly grateful and grateful. Muni Abode has never left me, who has so many troubles and habits!

I originally had no hope of getting into the July exam, so I asked for help for the third time. I thought that if I failed this time, I would continue to cultivate my fortune and wisdom because I wanted to change my destiny. But I'm not diligent enough.

I have never dared to write down my experiences because I was afraid that I would create a bad trend and make people not cherish the teachings of the Buddha and Bodhisattva, thinking that the number of scriptures could be discounted casually. Buddhas and Bodhisattvas see everything clearly, and they know whether there is the most basic sincerity or not.

In early September, I was very lazy and heard a voice clearly in my dream: "Don't ask for help without sincerity." After waking up from the dream, I was so ashamed that I felt ashamed. If you don't cherish the resources you ask for instructions, you will of course harm your own blessings. So: don’t deceive Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Because the disciple clearly felt that it was impossible to deceive Buddhas and Bodhisattvas! No matter how sincere you are, how many sutras you have recited, no matter how hard you try, all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas will know. Buddha and Bodhisattva are now willing to pay attention to their disciples, how generous they are!

In fact, people with some supernatural powers in the world know all our lies and hypocrisy, let alone Buddhas and Bodhisattvas? If we deceive Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, it will not harm the Bodhisattvas at all. What will harm is our own blessings and pure nature. No road in life is always smooth, just like asking for Dharma from a monastery cannot solve all the problems in life in one go. But the Jingshe often says: "Do the right thing." The right thing means that in addition to gradually getting rid of the difficulties in reality, you can also move forward on the Bodhi path to escape the six paths of reincarnation.

I am grateful that Muni Jingshe is willing to give me the opportunity to write this article. I want to tell everyone that Muni Jingshe Buddha and Bodhisattva can really help all sentient beings to gradually reverse their difficulties in life. If we meet people who are in suffering, we can try our best to promote Muni Jingshe. nuns, help each other and save each other. (end of sharing)

The senior brother said: "I was also upset about why every time I asked for instructions, my obstacles were so heavy and my blessings were so lacking in everything?" Take a closer look at the events that the senior brother asked for instructions. Each of them is a major event in life! Nowadays, there are so many people taking public office exams. Is it a small blessing to stand out in this competition?

Furthermore, marriage is a lifelong matter, is it possible to solve the problem with some small merit? The closer the relationship is with you, the greater the karma will be. This is a certain truth. Of course, you have to pay more merit to resolve it!

It is very convenient to be able to use "karma, debt, merit, and merit" to resolve these major problems in life! This must be much better than wallowing in problems all your life but not being able to get out!

Can I still be admitted to a public office even if I haven’t completed the blessings from the teachings? The senior brother mentioned that he did not complete the number of merit-replenishing scriptures assigned by the Buddha and Bodhisattvas before the exam. This does not mean that the Buddha's teachings are inaccurate, but it shows that "life is changing." The teaching is only about the amount of merit you should have at the present moment after being consulted by Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. If you have done great good deeds before the exam or other candidates have different events or causes and conditions, the lessons originally taught will of course change. . In any case, this is not to tell you to do less homework in the future, but to tell you that it is right and necessary to do more good deeds!

So "can I still get admitted to a public office even if I haven't completed the blessings of the teachings?" The answer is of course it is possible! But it is best to finish your homework, create more good qualities, and study hard. On the other hand, "if you finish your homework, will you definitely pass the exam?" Of course not! It also depends on your subsequent efforts and the degree of benefit; everything is changing and not eternal!

Finally, cause and effect and marriage are a complex intertwined network. Although a person's horoscope is determined at birth, his acquired behavior can also change his innate destiny! As long as you put an end to evil, practice good deeds, be a beautiful person, eliminate karma, and save people by chanting Buddha's name, there will definitely be a chance for improvement in these problems.

Do more good deeds and do more good deeds. Amitabha.

This article comes from Muni Abode

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Namo Great Compassion Guanyin Bodhisattva

Namo Great Wish Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva

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