Let's chat | Lover without distinction? To, white robe.

That year's Jiapao, I muttered in my heart like this.

I have two white robes, and sometimes, when they're not on my shoulders, one hangs wearily in my closet, the other slumps on the back of my office computer chair.

In the hot summer of June that year, new white robes were draped over our shoulders, and we all held our right hands high and recited the Hippocratic Oath in unison: " When I was permitted to enter the medical profession, I solemnly pledged that I myself would give Everything serves humanity... ".

I remember seeing my classmates in their shining, expectant eyes, and there was myself in a white robe who was also expecting. Our eyes are full of anticipation, longing, and even apprehension, just because now we are finally about to step into the white giant tower. The complicated knowledge and theories that were studied hard at night in the past will now become the cornerstone of every step of staying in the white tower in the future.

We are eager to learn, eager to practice, eager to help others, and we assemble ourselves at school. Now, we're going to go into the hospital, we're going to be able to help others, we're going to be able to contribute to society, we're going to give our expertise to serve and help others.

If possible, I am willing to use my profession to give love and care to those in need.

That year's Jiapao, I muttered in my heart like this, and finished my oath as if I was devout.

Putting on a brand-new white robe and an access card, I finally set foot on the corridor of the hospital.

As time went by, I stepped on the hospital corridor, sometimes in a hurry, sometimes in a hurry; sometimes restless, sometimes panicked. Life is not like a big ship sailing smoothly through the quiet ocean, but every day is full of turbulent waves, and the brand-new white robe rides the wind and waves with me every day, dizzy, and busy.

The clutter stuffed in the pockets of the white robe, just like the professional knowledge that my brain began to store, is more and more, and sometimes it may appear messy. A few ball pens, notebooks, stickers that can be used to coax children at any time, a few gummies that were thrown into the pocket for fear of being too low in blood sugar..., one time, the ball pen cap forgot to close, and the pocket of the white robe oozes out The color of the ink, like tiredness and lassitude seeping into my warm-blooded heart, is a mark, and it also makes my white robe look no longer so new, and my business skills seem to have gradually grown.

The ocean in the white giant tower is huge and boundless.

Reports are never finished, to do lists are crossed out but are never-ending, medical records seem to be never-ending, phones are ringing non-stop, damn hospital operating systems are more like occasional failures The parts of the ship made people seem to be shouting, please, the system to be obedient, and occasionally there are magical ghosts who think they are VIPs but are not. The days started to make people not only tired but also overwhelmed. Taking a short time is only enough to drink a cup of milk tea with a partner's nest, devour a bento, and then continue to move forward in the ocean.

Many times when I got off work, the sunset had already escaped, leaving the dark night and the unfinished report to hug me; the dinner after returning home from get off work was often scribbled. I was chewing the food in my mouth, but my mind was chewing on how to write the report that I haven't written yet, and what should I do in the face of tomorrow's case. As a result, I only had a stomachache from chewing. There were a few days off work, and the white robe was left alone on the back of the office chair. I returned to the couch where Jia Zhizhi collapsed, thinking: "Squint for a while, I still have to get up and finish typing the report." After squinting, I woke up again, but it was the next morning, and before I could think about it, I hurried to the white tower.

I grew up rapidly in the ocean inside the white giant tower. I became more exhausted, and my days were quickly lost. I didn’t have time to be hesitant and confused. The next clinical business was waiting for me to execute and complete it, and then I would find time to return to it. The office writes a report, and if necessary, twists the towel like a towel, twists the time hard, and quickly absorbs new professional knowledge, in order to see the possible direction in the ocean tomorrow.

Sometimes, the pressure is so great that the ears begin to tinnitus and scream, the ears whine themselves when performing business, the ears begin to sing loudly when writing reports, and the ears also ring as if they are silent when commuting.

I stayed on a swaying boat to ferry others, but my boat swayed so violently every day that I was about to capsize.
In real life, when I take a boat, I always get seasick and vomit, and in the ocean of the white tower, sometimes I feel tired and vomit.

In the midsummer of that year, was the person who uttered the Hippocratic oath still there?
The self who wants to give professionalism and love, the enthusiasm and expectation in his eyes, how much is left?

Questions that should be pondered in the dead of night are too busy to ponder.
All I know is that the two white robes are no longer so new, and I am no longer so new.

Later, my boat in the white tower successfully and smoothly arrived at the relay station to rest and moored in the harbor.
Finally, there was a quiet moment in the middle of the night, and finally had time to look at myself when I took off my white robe.

Then, I asked myself:
When I put on a white robe to take care of others, am I taking care of myself?
Did I take care of myself when I took off my white robe and became just me?

Later, I told myself this:
Take care of yourself, and then take care of others, that's not selfish.
Only by taking care of ourselves can we be able to help others.

Before loving others and helping others without distinction, it is about loving and taking care of yourself without distinction.

Later, after a break,
The boat will leave the port again, and I will finally put on a white robe and sail to an ideal that understands reality but remains enthusiastic.

In the midsummer of June that year, I said this:
" When I was permitted to enter the medical profession, I solemnly pledged that I would dedicate myself to the service of mankind.
I want to give my teachers the respect and gratitude they deserve;
I shall practice medicine with my conscience and dignity;
The health of the client should be my primary concern;
I shall respect the secrets entrusted to me, even after the patient's death;
I will do my best to preserve the honor and noble traditions of the profession;
I will not allow any consideration of religion, nationality, race, political opinion or status to come between my duties and the patient;
I will do my best to maintain people's health,
Even under threat, I do not use my expertise to violate humanity.
I solemnly, voluntarily and in my personality swear the above agreement
. "

The sunshine of that year still shone on my white robe.

Written by slothlife


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