Mortal raving - 22.8.15 - Hidden in the dust and smoke, tough as weeds

After watching "Hidden Into the Dust", I made a few beeps, minor spoilers~

Holy matters:

I'm really sorry, but I didn't go to the cinema to see such a good film as "Hidden in the Dust", and I felt a little uneasy in my conscience. As a film amateur, I feel that I should go to the theater to contribute a little to the box office when I meet a good film or a film with a favorite actor. I really like the rhythm of this kind of eloquence. It is slow and slow. The camera is like a bystander, observing the protagonist's every move in the dark, and then passing it on to the audience. My viewing volume is very average, and the only film with a similar feeling that I can think of in my mind is "Xiao Wu" directed by Jia Zhangke. The same dialect movie, different subject matter, but the rhythm is very similar to me, like a calm pool of water, occasionally a breeze blows, bringing a little ripple, but it quickly returns to calm.

The male protagonist of "Hidden in the Dust" is called Wu Renlin. There is very little information about his background on the Internet. It should be similar to the two grassroots actors Xu Chaoying and Zhang Zhanyi who starred in "Sherlock on the Plain", and there is not much trace of performance. , everything is true performance. From the details of various scenes in the movie, it can be seen that Wu Renlin is definitely from an authentic peasant origin, such as his thick fingers and joints, which are honed by long-term rural labor, and cannot be shaped by props and makeup in the short term. Such realistic details. In addition, he has done farm work and built a house. He is very skilled and skilled in action. This is an almost instinctive response to long-term labor. From this point of view, the casting director should add a big chicken leg.

Not to mention Haiqing, he has rich experience in acting, and this time he is also willing to go out and toss his own image. In fact, based on this alone, he will give extra points to the film when watching the film, although according to the experience school, shaping The role is the duty of an actor, but in the hearts of mainland movie fans, as long as you are willing to toss yourself, your acting skills will be added. For example, the previous four-character brother's modeling breakthrough in "Youth of You" won unanimous praise.

Speaking of the film itself, I really like the lighting and color grading of this film. Many scenes are in that warm yellow tone, which has a texture of oil painting. Although the scenes are all harsh and barren rural scenes, there is a simple beauty that sometimes makes me immersed in that yellowish beauty, and seems to temporarily forget the misery of the protagonist. In addition, from the simple viewing experience of a layman, what surprises me about this film is that it is realistic, not conventional but it seems reasonable. For example, Ma Laosi, the male protagonist played by Wu Renlin, after several progressive scenes of donating blood to the father of the grain merchant who contracted land to grow grain in the village, I thought that the grain merchant would be influenced and moved by Ma Laosi's simplicity and kindness In the end, when the grain merchants cashed out the land rent to the villagers (replacing the rent with corn, but deducting the rent for the villagers at a higher price than the market price, a proper profiteer), it was Ma Laosi’s turn to give more corn proudly, but Actually it didn't. Instead, when Ma Laosi wanted to deduct from the rent a piece of clothes that the grain merchant bought for Ma Laosi's wife (Haiqing), the grain merchant agreed, and finally deducted the corn from the land rent deduction. I deducted the corresponding weight, and smiled lightly. I think this smile is the finishing touch. It may be a devious way to laugh at the fourth child. But it is this kind of treatment or performance that really creates the poor environment and creates people's mercenary nature. Instead, they are like Ma Laosi's simplicity and kindness. In their eyes, they are stupid and should be bullied and calculated. Be exploited.

Some netizens on the Internet are discussing whether Ma Laosi died in the end. I don't think it is very meaningful, and it is not too important to express the theme of this film. Because for a person who has lived as humble as a weed since childhood, although the vitality is tenacious, the most cruel thing is to give them hope, and then the good fortune will smash their hope into shreds. In this case, even if the living environment in the future becomes better, the hearts of these people will never come back. Since their hearts are completely dead and they have lost the meaning of life, living and dying, there is another What is the difference.

Life is always full of hardships or ups and downs. If there is a choice, I hope that Ma Laosi will never meet Haiqing, so that at least he can live tenaciously and instinctively for a life that does not know its meaning. But on the other hand, if life has no meaning and the end of the day is in sight, do we have the courage to persevere?

Thanks to Ma Laosi, Ma Youtie, who taught me a lesson and made me understand that even if I am in a stinky puddle, I must preserve that kindness and strength, whether it is active or passive. Because maybe one day, God will take care of it, even if it is a moment of brilliance, it is worth waiting for.

Matt City lives forever!


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