"NFT X Telemedicine, telemedicine feat NFT"

This article will not have any karma, how can telemedicine be combined with NFT?

"NFT X Telemedicine, telemedicine feat NFT"

  • The cover is a screenshot of other teams, which is not owned by me. For the convenience of explanation, if the project party has doubts, it will be removed immediately.
  • Among the four NFTs I currently own, there are pure art collections, games, private communities, and puzzles. The first NFT related to medical treatment appeared, and the team also seems to be Asian, which is worth recording.
  • Our team is committed to telemedicine between North American customers and Taiwanese teams. We have worked hard for less than a year and are still among the number of patients. This article will not have any career matching.
Telemedicine Overview
  • Current telemedicine: With the help of the epidemic, telemedicine has flourished in the past two years. In certain states in the United States, it is already possible to see a doctor online through MD. After a prescription is signed, it will be sent to your doctor in a certified way. Email, and then you can sign in to a nearby pharmacy with your electronic prescription to pick up the medicine. People who are physically inconvenient also provide the service of delivering prescription medicines to your home.
  • In Taiwan, if you want to do telemedicine, you can only do consultation. If you have prescribed drugs or medical advice, you must apply for it. Then there are many clinics in Taiwan. It is convenient and cheap to get medical treatment in the city. The elderly generally do not know how to use 3C products. However, the young people of the next generation will also be old. In the future, telemedicine will still be very explosive. By the way For drug delivery, you must apply for compliance in Taiwan, and the drug must be delivered through the pharmacist himself, and must not cross counties and cities.
How NFTs Connect to Telemedicine
  • NFT is a digital asset, which is produced through the blockchain. After the project party sets the rules of the game, its value arises spontaneously. It can be a limited pass to participate in an online celebrity gathering, or a land certificate in a virtual world. It can be anything. Every NFT has his ID card, which date was minted, and who was transferred from whom to whom. All on the chain at a glance.
  • The NFT project party provides online psychological counseling services by selling the limited NFT issued by him. The way of doing this is probably that after you own this NFT, you will have a certificate to enter this clinic to enjoy its services. If the service behind it is good , Based on a limited and special economic model, this NFT will rise, because the owner does not want to sell it, and the person who wants to buy must pay a higher price in the secondary market to obtain it. This is probably a very shallow NFT economic model. .
    (However, the rule of this project is that you can enjoy a service every time a new conversion is generated, which means that you must change hands all the time, so if the future value is high enough, this method will also generate its own economic model. In short, NFT will still rise)
The future development of "telemedicine xNFT"
  • However, the difference between medical care and other industries is that there are still many legal liability issues, so at this stage it is probably still at the stage of consultation. At present, there are also people in Taiwan who are committed to the development and application of the judicial chain. In the future, if the legal problem is solved, more different projects can be put on the chain.
  • Just sharing that I finally saw medical-related NFTs.
    (Because it's not to help publicity, so the name of the project party is mosaicked.) BTW their current price, the gas fee is probably more expensive to buy one!


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網路小洪「當自己家,大家隨意留言,我隨意回。」 你好,我是網路小洪。 我有一份正當的工作,下班後喜歡研究NFTs、幣。 大頭貼是我自己做的NFT,介紹放在第一篇文章。 這邊會發一些我在買賣NFTs或幣的心路歷程, 我會用非常白話,且大家都能夠懂的方式形容, 因為新的世代即將來臨,有空的人,我也會推薦多多涉略幣圈以及NFTs 方面的資訊。
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