Chaos Daily Essay | When I Say Pray For You

HJ|Chaos to Cosmos
I mentioned V to him, and in my memory, he was the first person who made me aware of this problem, and the first time I tried to change my edge just to make others feel better— At that time, I would even frantically use "be myself" to prevaricate all problems.

The counselor asked me out of curiosity, why when I mentioned V, I always seemed to be in a happy mood ?

And I told him without hesitation: "Yeah, I really like this person, he is very interesting, I will be very curious about his life, his feelings, his thoughts..."

Today I was talking about the way I speak, why is it easy for others to feel "very stressed", even though the other person said that he and I had been talking to me for so long, and in three or four 50-minute interviews, he never felt this .

I responded to him with a smile: "Probably you have encountered too many troubles." He also smiled and said, "It seems right to say that, but you have changed quite a bit." "Maybe it's because of my real temper. Get a little better."

We immediately talked about the past, why people often feel this way , and I analyzed three points: voice, philosophy, and questions.

I mentioned V to him, and in my memory, he was the first person who made me aware of this problem, and the first time I tried to change my edge just to make others feel better— At that time, I would even frantically use "be myself" to prevaricate all problems .

It seemed like I was being asked to speak a little slower, be a little quieter, speak a little more calmly, feel a little more, don't keep asking questions to understand what other people are saying, like if I changed any of those points , I was going to die.

V is very special. When I talked to him about this temporary break-in between personality and getting along, he always jokingly said, "We really don't get along." Faced with the same thing, I also gave the same response. " Why don't you say it's a complement ?"

Only later did I find out that it was because I genuinely cared about how he felt that I tried to try to understand what he said in my own way - albeit a bit clumsy at times .

Of course, this matter was also mentioned to the counselor. I also found that there was not much time left to talk about it, so I told him that I would talk to these people next time I have the opportunity.

And now I know, I finally know why I'm responding differently, it's because I want to tell Him your story, and it's because I want to pray for you .

That's because I want to pray for you .


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HJ|Chaos to Cosmos我們不說再見,我們在路上見| 多感善愁、哲思玄想與永遠拒絕政治正確的小天地 Chaos意即混亂、混沌,Cosmos代表規律、秩序的宇宙 寫作,對我而言,便是從雜多當中找回理解與共感的可能
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