Chatting on STEPN | Full-term experience

Talking about the experience after playing STEPN for nearly a month, integrating into daily life is not a way to pocket small sums.

👟 Timing

At first I knew that this APP was not long after it was put on the shelves in early March. It really attracted attention in the name of Move to earn. After checking the information at that time, I downloaded it and tried it. Unexpectedly, it was blocked due to the activation code problem. If it still doesn't work, just give up... and miss the good opportunity to enter the market at the beginning 😭

After a while, the rise of STEPN made me try to enter the venue again. This time I successfully obtained the activation code , but when I logged into the game, I saw that a pair of ordinary shoes cost about 10 SOL. At that time, 1 SOL was about 80 USD, and a pair was 800 USD The price of the shoes made me shrink again. The running shoes I wear don’t need famous brands as long as they are durable and comfortable. I have to enter the stadium at a price that is several times more expensive than ordinary famous brand shoes. (Now that I think about it, I can hold back)

At the beginning of June, both the stock market and the currency circle were significantly revised. Seeing that SOL dropped to 40 USD, the market shoe price also dropped to 3-3.8 SOL. At that time, I just had idle funds that wanted to invest in cryptocurrencies, and I immediately entered, from MAX ➡️ FTX ➡️ STEPN , the process went smoothly. Finally, I bought a pair of ordinary Walker shoes with 3.62 SOL. The cost is about 150 USD, which is an acceptable price. Then began the daily STEPN walk.

✏️Feelings of use after admission

Based on all aspects of mobile game evaluation, STEPN will be scored, and the individual will give an average of 2.5 ⭐ (out of 5 ⭐)

 Everyone feels different, only the experience of walking for a month.
Tuition fee: ⭐⭐

Playability : ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Course money: The general game course money is nothing more than to quickly strengthen the upgrade, draw corners, extreme collection control, etc., and when there is a game ranking mechanism and joint activities with other IPs, it can repeatedly promote the attractiveness of player course money. But when it comes to STEPN, in-game GST tokens can be used to upgrade shoes, repair shoes, speed up opening treasure chests, cast shoes, cast gems, convert other coins and fees, and focus on the maintenance and performance improvement of shoes. For players who only want to earn coins through labor, the tuition fee will only have a one-time ticket to buy shoes, and the rest will rely on earned tokens for shoe maintenance.

Unless you want to buy shoes, cast shoes, sell shoes, and exchange interest rates through trading, the frequency of tuition fees is much higher than that of Rolex. It is too high, so without other incentives, it seems very difficult for players who have already entered the game to continue to pay the tuition fee, and it remains to be seen whether there are more significant incentives for other functions that are still coming soon. So this item gives ⭐⭐

Entertainment: Except for walking/running, raw shoes, chance to kick the treasure chest, etc. to open the box and earn tokens, it seems to be gone. Just ⭐!

Playability: After all, unlike general mobile games, the content has no stories and no challenges. It is just an APP for move to earn, so why do I give it ⭐⭐⭐⭐? Due to the lack of exercise time, I have to require myself to have at least 8K steps per day. I use STEPN to replenish a total of 2.0 energy in four periods of time every day. It consumes about 10 minutes at a time, and the average number of steps is 1.1K, so it accounts for me. The daily step count requirement is only 1/8. As long as this habit continues and the company does not fail, STEPN will open and go on every day. ...It should be said that since I started STEPN, it has given me more perseverance in my daily step count 😆

Operability: STEPN currently only has an English interface, and the four numerical functions of gem synthesis, usage skills, shoes, how to choose shoes, and how to have the most CP point method require some time to study (there are many teaching articles, even The shoe ability simulator provided by the official website), the operation items and user interface are still clear and easy to understand, and the GPS function is also quite good, at least I have not used the problem of poor GPS reception until now. It really belongs to its wallet function, it is really not very easy to use, but after reading the article " Reading Bigen|Ghost Wallet Phantom Introduction, Collect Your Solana NFT " article, I also started to use Phantom to manage the GST that came. , it is very convenient and safe. So give medium ⭐⭐⭐

Finally, let's talk about the compensation and operations I currently earn from STENP.

Currently Owned Walker Shoes

With the current ordinary level Walker shoes, you can start earning money only after you upgrade to level 9, because you need to spend GST tokens once to upgrade, and you need to spend more GST & GMT to upgrade from level 9 to level 10, and so on. I will reconsider the cost after I get it back.
At present, you can earn about 10GST per day, and you will spend about 3.8GST every two days to repair the shoes. Roughly calculate the net gain of 16.2GST in two days. If you calculate 30 days in a month, you can get 16.2 * 30 = 486 GST. At present, 1GST= 0.18 USD is calculated as 87.48 USD. Assuming that the exchange rate remains unchanged, it will only take nearly 2 months to get back the capital.😅

Because investing the principal is to invest in cryptocurrencies, and in the current economic downturn and the bull-bear situation is unclear, it is a good way to exchange the earned tokens for other coins, and continuous accumulation in small amounts is also a good way. As for the fiat currency that can be invested every month Then hold off on cash first, and wait until the economic trend is obvious before entering the market in a big way.

Because the GST price will rise and fall, to avoid missing the future increase of GST due to currency exchange (although the probability is..., but still give some expectations), so the amount of GST earned every week will be converted into USDC and transferred to USDC On the FTX exchange, there is still 8% alive and exchange it for the cryptocurrency you want to accumulate. I just hope that the company can continue to work hard and work hard to operate and develop, so that the coffee and snack money that can be earned every day can continue 🤑

Summary: From the perspective of investors, if you miss the initial speculative period of STEPN, and now you want to invest in this market, it is really not a good target, and the speculation and risk are too high. However, if there are people who are walking/running on weekdays, in the current situation of low currency and shoe prices, as long as the investment cost is affordable, know the risks and manage the forbidden line, and let them integrate into the 10 minutes a day. Your own daily life is also an additional way of pocketing small amounts.

Investment has risks, please be responsible for your own investment!

I am a Talf house, sharing my life experience, learning, reading and other experiences through text. Keep it for yourself and for those who are interested, thank you for reading.


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Talf宅Hi 我是Talf宅,將自身的生活體驗、學習、閱讀等心得,藉由文章分享出來。留給自己也給有興趣的人。
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