🎨 Salsa Graffiti|366th birthday flower [December 02] Lemon flower (Lemon)

💡 Change the drawing method from now on! |The birth flower on December 02 every year is "Lemon", and the flower language is "Fresh". Those born with the blessing of this flower are quite charming and popular. A GIF animation of the painting process is included, welcome to join us. 🤗

❀ Hand drawn illustrations❀


Dec 02:

  • Plant: Lemon
  • Flower language: Fresh

❀ Painting process❀


The birth flower on this day is " Lemon " .
The scientific name is " Citrus limon " , which belongs to the family Rutaceae " Citrus " .

Common English names: Wood Sorrels , Woodsorrels, Wood-Sorrels, Common Wood Sorrel

The legend about the birth flower is described as follows:

 Fresh lemons are a treasure trove of vitamin C.
British ships are required by law to store lemon juice for the crew to drink to prevent scurvy.
However, since squeezed lemon juice is perishable, it is meaningless if it is not fresh.
So its flower language is "fresh".

Anyone born with the blessing of this flower is quite charming and popular.
But it is also the focus of same-sex jealousy, so you have to work harder to win the goodwill between the same sex.

That's about it.
It is said that most of the citrus plants are rich in vitamin C!
Then Lemon ≠ Lime Oh XDDD

The recent outbreak in Taiwan has been going on for a month.
In addition to the difficulty of buying traditional Chinese medicine, some healthy foods are out of stock, and the prices of fruits rich in vitamin C have also risen. 😵‍💫


After being lazy for almost a week, I finally got my spirits up to draw!
I hope I don't get lazy by reading novels again.

This time I simply changed the painting steps~
Directly type a very light pencil draft, and then paint the color block directly✦

After smudging and adding shadows, it feels pretty good!
At first glance, it doesn't look like it was drawn with colored pencils at all, the whole pseudo-watercolor drawing XDDD


At that time, I really wanted to post it with a bright spot like this~
Later, at the position of the stamen, I used a stylus to draw some lines...
It feels a bit self-defeating, but after a while to look at it, it seems to be okay? 😵‍💫

I don't know if you prefer the version with "black line" or "without strip" ?

It is said that when I was lighting the spot, I forgot that the milk pen had no ink, and as soon as I painted it, a tragedy happened to the petal on the left.囧mm

📡 Meow Meow Radar Radio (ฅ^>ω<^ฅ)

Please follow the perimeter of certain Sha a lot ! "Following" is good~🙏🙏🙏
If you pay for a subscription by mistake, after receiving the subscription money at the beginning of each month, it will also be returned to the subscribers!

👏 Some Sha has been appearing more often in Liker Social (Xiangte City) recently, friends who want to take pictures, please forward it in Duwen~

❀ Copy the source❀

The picture in this block comes from the " photography " of " CC BY-SA 3.0 " by Wikipedia user "Thomas Steiner " .

Wikipedia @Thomas Steiner

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