[Write a MV] 9 | Nietzsche: "Every day without dancing is a betrayal of life." "Stay One Day to Breathe With You"

"Did you know that stones are alive?"
"Did you know that stones are alive?"

The girl was engrossed in playing with the stones, as if talking to herself.

The boy next door was nibbling on the apple wholeheartedly, as if he hadn't heard her talking.

However, the boy seemed to stare at the apple for a few more seconds each time he nibbled.

Apple also has life, so is it so delicious?

"Stones are alive."

The girl can feel every bump in the stone, the girl has heard every smell, and the girl smells every smell, that's why she came to this conclusion. The girl looked at the boy excitedly and approached involuntarily, unable to wait to share this joy with him.

The incomparably hot eyes made the boy finally turn his head to look.

Seeing this, the girl immediately put the stone to the boy's ear, wanting him to hear its breathing too.

However, the boy took a big bite of the apple, "click", overwhelming everything.

The girl didn't care, she nodded her head, and urged the boy to listen.

That being the case, it was all right, the boy was very cooperative and listened carefully.

What is the voice of life like?

Are you not afraid of the boundaries set by others and determined to cross them? Boys and girls jumping wildly;

Is it because you don't mind the secular distinction between men and women, just get close if you want? boy and girl face to face;

Is it not arrogant to put desire above others, do you know what respect is? Boy and girl kiss.

The boy kissed the girl's stone and instantly burst into the brightest smile in the world.

Yeah, it's a lot sweeter than kissing the cheek or the lips.

But, do you understand this place?

Shi Shi said, the world is huge, and the life it has nurtured is very beautiful, and I really want to see it with my own eyes.

let's go together?

In this way, the boy and the girl, and the stone, made an appointment.

Go away for beauty, then pick the most beautiful time.

Ugly time? At that moment, there was a beautiful night.

Sure enough, at the appointed time, the night light really sprinkled all over the place.

Moonlight came to the pure white space where the girl was and gently woke her up.

It says, to escape the white paranoia of humanity, get out of this place.

The girl quietly adds colorful clothes, carefully organizes her luggage, holds stones in her hand, and prepares to meet the boy.

Outside the door, the boy was waiting, a little anxious, a little uneasy, he covered his pure white.

However, he knew very well that in this place, it was not possible.

Therefore, he was highly vigilant and looked around from time to time.

I don't know, is the girl going well?

Finally, the door opened and the girl came out unharmed.

The boy breathed a sigh of relief, then clenched the girl's hand firmly and officially left.

Evading the security guards in white clothes, walking through the white walls, and avoiding the strong white light, step by step, they are far away from the white era.

Seeing pure white at the last second is the name brand of this place.

mental hospital.

That night, they didn't know how long, how far, and how tired they were.

All I know is that I seem to have walked into a cave, that there is no end in sight, that this darkness will never dissipate, that I don't know what else I can do, except keep going.

Relying on a small flashlight, the boy's eyes were firm and he led the girl forward.

The breeze touched his face, and he felt more and more fierce, like being kissed warmly by a puppy, welcome home.

Whether the road ahead will return, no one can say.

However, they did see the light.

The light is the exit, and they hurriedly walked, trying to look out of the cave.

It's daylight! It's free daylight! Overjoyed, they climbed up the stairs and struggled to climb out of the cave.

Finally, the step was born and came to the ground.

Now, what time is it?

They don't know, but what is certain is that this is not the time to rest, it is not far enough from that place, and they must continue to move forward. The boy continued to hold the girl, stepping on dead branches, stepping on rocks, walking on paths, without looking back, kept walking, desperately walking forward.

Finally through the huge forest, see the sea and the sky.

As far as the eye can see, they suddenly don't know how to react.

to be happy? gained unprecedented freedom.

To be worried? Successfully escaped and then what? Where should I go next? Where can we go?

Although there is no clue at the moment, I don't know where the road ahead is, and maybe even the time is not clear, but it should be very clear, that hell, I will never see you again, and I should never think of it again.

However, the girl obviously had no way to think like that, and tears poured out violently without warning.

When the boy saw something wrong with the girl, he felt the same way and thought of the same picture.

"The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference."

I read a poem in that place before, and it said, "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I chose the less traveled one, and from then on determined the path of my life."

The girl couldn't control herself to think of the days in the mental hospital, where she was tied up with five flowers, or pulled hard, and even trampled on her flesh and blood, trembling all over her body. Even the instinct to cry out for pain, cry out for help, or humble pleading, burst into tears, it will not bring about the slightest change.

Imprisonment without seeing the sun seems to be endless.

Every second of the bleak moment, there has always been a question, pressing on the girl's heart.

Excuse me, what did she do wrong?

Why did all this happen to her so cruelly?

Just because she chose a different path?

The boy still remembers that even if he screamed and slapped outside the door, he couldn't stop the girls inside from suffering and being abused.

Countless times of crying and sighing alone can't change the established ending, and the ending has been defeated again and again by the world...

After letting his thoughts fly for a while, the boy blinked, calmed down a little, and stepped forward to gently caress the girl's cheek.

"It's alright," the boy said, rubbing his hands lightly, even hugging the girl close to his head, hoping to use up all his warmth to revive her soul and take her out of the memory quagmire.

It's okay, just like those sunny days.

Eating in the playground, playing hide-and-seek in the clothes drying yard, boys will accompany girls to eat well, boys will accompany girls to play well, they learn that sunshine is not about the sky, but about finding happiness, and more about making each other happy.

The girl makes the boy laugh with the favorite stone, and the boy gives the girl the most precious four-leaf clover.

The subconscious action has long predicted that as long as they are together, it is enough.

Even if it is the road that is less traveled.

Boys and girls walked hand in hand to the uninhabited countryside.

They wandered aimlessly in the streets and alleys, and suddenly a half-closed door caught the girl's attention.

She reached out and pushed the door open, revealing a table full of food.

The instinctive hunger of human beings drives them to move forward quickly, nibbling on the food without asking a question.

The girl put the small cake into the boy's mouth with her right hand, and grabbed two fruits with her left hand, the apple that the boy loves, and the star fruit that she loves. The girl who couldn't wait to taste the sweet and sour star fruit watched the boy take a few bites of the small cake. As expected, she put down the small cake in her mouth, reached out and took the apple in her left hand, and sat happily on the ground to eat.

Like it, really like it.

They simply listened to their instincts and enjoyed the delicious food, but naturally they didn't realize that the table full of food actually had an owner.

God, that's an offering to worship God.

When you are full, hold hands and continue your journey.

What is the ancestral hall of the Tang Clan in Xia Village, what is the Yougong Hall, and what is the family, boys and girls are not very clear.

It's just that they just came up in their minds, which matched the TV series at this time and place, so they imitated it, and said goodbye here, there, and even each other. Like children playing home wine, happiness is the most important thing.

Children play with their hearts, from imitation to self-created, from the street to the end of the alley, from dawn to dark, chasing, running and jumping to exhaustion.

If you are tired, sit down; if you are cold, you will warm yourself; if you are happy, you will laugh.

Boys and girls have no shelter in the cold night, so they rest everywhere in the suburbs and make fires to keep warm.

The two sat on the ground facing each other, and the fire in the middle flickered, making each other's faces looming, very interesting, very beautiful, very reassuring, and they all laughed.

"Actually, I just want to lie down in the warm light together."

The boy and the girl began to understand that it was not the bonfire in front of them, nor the sun during the day, nor the home that always had a light on, but being together.

Together, it is warm.

The girl didn't know what attracted her, and suddenly stood up and walked to the ruins next to her. Although the boy was a little confused, he immediately set off to follow the girl.

I don't know whose home there used to be, there are sofas, pianos, and wings.

The girl picked up the winged feather coat and gestured on her body for a while, then looked at the boy. The boy easily understood what she meant, and nodded again and again with a smile on his face.

The girl was very happy and immediately put on the wings and feathers, sometimes spinning and fluttering, sometimes flying. The boy looked at it and couldn't help remembering that in that place, the girl and himself also had such a happy moment.

At that time, the girl used the white clothes in the drying room as a veil and ran happily with the wind, while the boy pretended to chase, as if playing the game of picking up the bride.

That scene, the boy vividly remembers.

Happy, unhappy, the original has nothing to do with the environment.

The boy who was stunned slowly approached the girl and patted her shoulder, so that she could look at him wholeheartedly at this moment.

The boy took out the stone ring that had been in his pocket for a long time and brought it to the girl.

After the girl stared for half a second, she immediately raised a big smile, and the boy followed with a smile.

Boys once did not understand how spiritual stones are, and girls once did not understand how delicious apples are, but they all gradually understood.

Because of each other, the girl began to see the presence of apples, and the boy began to hear the sound of stones.

Stone Ring said: "Every day without dancing is a betrayal of life."

So, it turns out that we have always done nothing wrong, it turns out that we have always had life, it turns out that we have always been happy.

Because we are together.

Not the boys and girls others see, but what only we know, we.

There are many things we don’t understand when growing up, but as we go step by step, we will find that not everything needs to be understood at all, and it is important to be able to feel it well. On emotionally tangled days, I just want to stay one day, be silent, be with you, breathe lightly, and feel good. Feel sad, feel happy, feel alive, feel you and me.


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