Rainy day.

A little sweet text about "One more chance" 💗💗💗

When it rains, Li Donghae likes rain, and he likes to take pictures almost every time it rains, but Li Hezai is very puzzled.

"Ah, what's so good about rain? It's wet and cold." Looking out the window, Lee Hyuk Jae huddled on the sofa with a blanket and asked with a look of disgust. "You don't understand! It's the most inspirational when it's raining," Li Donghai said, squeezing himself onto the sofa, just to cover the same blanket with his boyfriend.

"By the way, how have you been writing songs lately?" Lee Hyuk Jae asked as he squeezed out some space for his lover. "Um...that's it"

The album that is preparing for the comeback of the brigade recently, although it is not necessary, but Lee Donghae just wanted to write a song for everyone to shoot the MV together.

"Anyway, don't you like rain? Just write songs about rain." After hearing Lee Hyuk Jae's words, Lee Donghae thought for less than three seconds, then suddenly jumped off the sofa and jogged towards the room, leaving a face on his face. Dazed boyfriend.


"What! Why me!" In the conference hall, Lee Hyuk Jae shouted. He never thought of his casual words, and he really asked Li Donghai to write a song related to rain, and he also asked him to take pictures of rain. "Brother, just shoot, it's what Brother Donghae wants." Cao Kyuhyun looked at Lee Donghae with a smile, and he nodded smugly. acceptable.

Until the day of the shooting, Lee Hyuk Jae kept chanting "Baby Hae Hae, why do I want to get in the rain..." "Because I like rain, I like you too, so you have to get in the rain" Lee Donghae said innocently , "No! These two things can't be dealt with at all..." And the one who was about to get wet was still helpless, "Anyway, let's go on filming!" Li Hezai's cheek, and then ran away shyly, Li Hezai could only sigh and think: No way, my boyfriend, I want to spoil myself...


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菱菱Instagram:eunhae_ling0312 專寫赫海💗 ☪︎餘生,願只有你,因愛你成癮
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