[Baker wants to enjoy] Leave blank command: return to zero

When the city of Matt was gradually filled with negative energy, when I was about to "sensory overload", and when I realized that my inner balance was shaken, the sudden "Blank Instruction" suspended writing for nearly 4 consecutive months...

"Hey, when will your experiment end?"

My wife's words made me stunned... I was in the second stage of writing , and in order to be seen in the vast ocean, I started the " Crazy Zanshi " action. After that, I really I am very grateful to the creators who came to support me. Even at this moment, this opportunity makes me feel that it is worthwhile to create . At the same time, I also try my best to write the article well and continue to shoot back to the creators who support me.

However, during this period of time, because of the huge amount of support and the motivation created by the huge vanity, interests and sense of accomplishment, the work has changed from every Wednesday to almost every day . Of course, during the period of inspiration, the quality of the works is better than The previous Gao (probably 😅), the time and energy spent was only enough to allow me to change jobs and suddenly have to work 30 hours of overtime a month for my poor physical therapist to complete the work well.

So even if I actually read some of the articles that I am interested in, I am full of them, and even support a few of them, but if I want to confidently say that I have seriously appreciated them, I really can't pat them on the chest.

It can only be said that I did increase exposure, get to know more creators, and help creators who are new to Matt City . These second-stage work is also trying to move towards the third stage , so it is time to stop step up...

The command to bring me back to the origin

 ✔️ Can't post, and can't save drafts ✔️ Can't clap, but can support ✔️ Can't leave a message ✔️ Lasts for a week
Time is free, how much time are you willing to spend to read other people's articles?

Not being able to post or even save drafts, this is what really hurts me the most, so in the early days, I could only delete any blog page directly, and I was not allowed to open the memo on my phone by myself.

Later, after I tried to open and only read other people's articles, I found that I was used to reading the title quickly, swiping the small label, and the content was a general view. After understanding the author's intention, I decided to directly decide whether to give support, and then change it. next...

After repeating it a few times, I realized that the previous self was so casual about giving "support" , so I clicked on the article that I just "read"...

At the end of the day, in addition to letting yourself play, relax, and have a good chat with family members who have not gotten along with each other for a long time , you can actually read the article well, of course, it refers to the content that you are interested in. Also because there is no pressure to "full film", sometimes I'm busy that day and I won't force myself to finish it.

I think that " clapping hands" can give creators substantial motivation, which is a conclusion based on their own experience. It must go through the process , otherwise the budding creators will not be able to become popular or on the ranking list because of the small number of applause, the few comments, and the small number of support .

Blocking the source of benefits and the channel of support is only money, would you like it?

After the Kurdish Action, each of my articles has grown visible to the naked eye. Of course, I must confidently say that I am really writing with my heart, and I must admit that the reasons for chasing "numbers" account for most of them . To the end almost daily.

During that time, I tried to give "support" even though it was very little, but I think it was probably because of the growth of my own income that I was "slightly" willing to do this action . So within a few days after the order was issued, I couldn't press the button for a long time...

So while the way of clapping and leaving messages disappears, if you want to support the creators, you have to pay out of your own pocket . Although this may only be the income you get from your previous writing and commissioning, I have to be honest: it is not easy .

But as my mood gradually relaxed, from 1 to 2 times a day, I didn't care about supporting a few times in the end. I became accustomed to supporting, and I also found out what kind of articles would make me want to support more :

  • Professional knowledge : Turn the professional knowledge that you have exchanged for your time, experience, and money into words, and do not hesitate to share, especially the content that can really help others. As a physiotherapist, you must give respect!
  • What helped me : This includes but is not limited to the above reasons. After all, many values, outlooks on life, ideas, etc. belong to life experience, perhaps the creator's experience in exchange for blood, tears and pain. If you can give me a Getting these experiences without going through a painful, time-consuming way, I think it's definitely worth supporting!
  • Touching the heart : The writing of many creators is really very good, and sometimes there is a feeling of "how to write such a moving sentence", or "this sentence and text are too beautiful!" ...... these The creators who present the text in a variety of ways show our unexpected literary talent, even if it is only art, it deserves to be supported!

unfinished order

Although it's not that I didn't realize that I was close to going crazy, it wasn't until my wife was drinking that she was really "willing" to stop, reset the runaway program, and "leave blank" in her writing.

From the beginning of anxiety, tension, and anxiety, I couldn’t help writing a little draft and leaving a few comments; in the middle, I gradually realized my immaturity, and I began to calm down to read and feel the beauty brought by this blank; Now that he has finally returned to peace, "Zan Shi", who is no longer mad, begins to think about changes, hoping to achieve the state of "Zan also has a way"...

This "Blank Command: Reset to Zero" was initiated by my wife (now I have to praise her every time I mention it so that she doesn't look at me with her nostrils 🤦), I have to say that every time I give credit to her who knows better than me My own insight can always be knocked down from my head at a critical moment, and only Baker, who disappeared temporarily during this period of time.

But I think this is not enough. I have a bottom line on how to change and implement it, but I don’t have much confidence . Especially if I want to spend some time familiarizing myself with the things I just tried, I can extend the order , but this time the restrictions are limited. It is simply "you can only post this article for one week", and its name is: "Blank Command: Rebirth".

During the process, I will keep trying. Anything I want to share will be in Liker Social , which I just joined recently. Welcome everyone to follow me and chat with me! ( really addictive... )

👻Come here to find "Baker's Spiritual Body" to play!

Don't forget to give them 5 slaps👏, slap them with money💰, attack them with love💗, and hit them with stars🌟!


Potato media

Liker social


ruffian state

I'm Baker, I'm a physical therapist,

son, brother,

Husband, son-in-law...

When wearing or not wearing a therapeutic gown,

normal, usual,

commonplace everyday,

Joy, anger, sadness, and joy, all want to share with you;

Sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, I want you to taste it too.

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