What is the experience of self-driving tour


A big difference between today’s young people and their parents’ generation in terms of entertainment is that they yearn for travel, as if travel is the best way to treat themselves on vacation, because it is a time-consuming, energy-consuming and expensive activities, but it can bring unexpected joy to everyone.

There is more than one way to travel. You can travel with a group or travel freely. You can travel by yourself or by car. In recent years, the more popular self-driving destinations are Tibet, Qinghai, Gansu and other northwest areas. Because the roads and scenery in these areas are very suitable for self-driving tours.

So far, I have not experienced a standard self-driving tour, because I think this is a more complicated type of travel than the ordinary mode of transportation, which may cause various inconveniences to affect the travel. , If you do not do a good strategy, it may be more uncomfortable.

For example, after we chartered a car to play on the Northwest Ring Road for a few days, I found that there are many details that are difficult for us to imagine.

The first is driving. The longest interval between the service area and the service area seems to be a three-hour drive. First of all, make sure to refuel in advance, because it is not easy to drive at a high speed for three hours.

There is also the diet. When we go through a long no-man’s land, we don’t even have a toilet, and we can only eat instant noodles and instant lunch boxes. If we do not prepare materials and psychological preparations in advance, we may be very uncomfortable.

If we really want to travel by car in the future, we must be fully prepared. On the one hand, we will not work too hard, and on the other hand, we will ensure our own safety, so that the significance of self-driving travel can be reflected.


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