Dreaming Way Lenormand Dreaming Way Lenormand Card Meaning Overview


Dreaming Way Lenormand Dreaming Way Lenormand

This captivating 36-card Reynolds Jr. deck offers a fresh perspective on the traditional fortune-telling system. Contemporary Korean artist Kwon Shina's imaginative art style provides readers with ingenious visual clues that capture the mood, nuance and inner meaning of the cards.

If you are learning the Reynolds card for the first time, this is a delightful deck to learn the core meaning. If you are already familiar with the Lenormand card system, the dreamlike imagery will inspire you to look at Lenormand in a whole new way.

Dream Road Reynolds Card Meaning Overview

1. Knight Rider – 9♥️ 19. Tower – 6♠️
2. Clover Clover – 6♦️ 20. Garden – 8♠️
3. Ship Ship – 10♠️ 21. Mountain – 8♣️
4. House – K♥️ 22. Crossroad – Q♦️
5. Tree – 7♥️ 23. Mice – 7♣️
6. Clouds – K♣️ 24. Heart – J♥️
7. Snake – Q♣️ 25. Ring – A♣️
8. Coffin Coffin – 9♦️ 26. Book – 10♦️
9. Bouquet – Q♠️ 27. Letter – 7♠️
10. Scythe – J♦️ 28. Men Gentleman – A♥️
11. Whip Whip – J♣️ 29. Lady – A♠️
12. Birds – 7♦️ 30. Lily Lily – K♠️
13. Child – J♠️ 31. Sun Sun – A♦️
14. Fox – 9♣️ 32. Moon Moon – 8♥️
15. Bear Bear – 10♣️
16. Stars – 6♥️
17. Stork – Q♥️
18. Dog – 10♥️

Recommended Buy: Dreaming Way Lenormand Dreaming Way Lenormand

Original link to Ta19


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