Does this era have to be tough and showy in order to be seen? Zhou Shen proves that introverted gentleness can also have great power

Innate personality is really not the reason for whether you can do certain jobs well or live your life well. Your expectations for life, your requirements for yourself, and your view of the world are the key.
Zhou Shen_The picture is taken from the Internet

4. A sound that can be harmoniously matched with various people/instruments:

Every singer must have their own more suitable range or partner. But only Zhou Shen, with various styles of musicians, singers, and even musical instruments (yes, the symphony orchestra, or the pipa), are inexplicably indistinguishable, really mysterious.

And he has a special feature: his performance must be the first priority to show the work, not to show off his skills and show his greatness. Working with people never grabs, although his voice is inherently grabby. But also because he takes "song" as the protagonist and fully substituted his emotions, the effect presented will be very good, very soulful, and to a certain extent, it also highlights the partner.

2022 Zhou Shen + Combs "Kebler" * Note the highlights at 3:21, Gai said: he has fallen on the chair

5. Good conduct praised by partners, staff and fans:

He does not allow fans to give him gifts, and insists on replying to the top 50 fans on every Weibo post. Every year on his birthday, he gives fans two or three hours of live singing. He will definitely thank the band and dancers for each performance. And every time he visits, it is said that he remembers the host's name, which makes the host very moved and so on. As long as he is here, the poisonous judges will no longer be poisonous, and the eyes looking at Zhou Shen are obviously much softer.

Also, he has never had any negative news, no scandals, no CCP speculation, nothing at all, clean and "boring" like a transparent crystal.

This gives me an impression: no matter how the professional world needs to be packaged, how people think about their status, how they do things, respect and caring for others, is the only way to make others willing to treat you sincerely and to cooperate with you more Bar.

6. No matter what the world is, always be gentle with:

Zhou Shen's small and thin appearance and special voice, one can imagine what kind of treatment he would get in childhood, adolescence, or even just debuting, just the height of the microphone stand on the stage to accept the award is not friendly.

But I have never seen him describe those details emotionally, nor have I seen him distorting himself because of the malice of others. Instead, we always encourage everyone to move forward with positive energy.

The kindness he showed in his gestures towards the world, I think, is a high-level, genuine tenderness.

About Zhou Shen's biography

7. Representatives of high IQ and high emotional intelligence:

Studying psychology and psychological counseling, I have seen the dark side of human nature a lot. Originally, I have always been a supporter of "human nature is inherently evil" . At first, I felt that Zhou Shen's character was too positive and perfect, and it was not like a real person. Can such a person really live well in such a utilitarian society? Also tried to see if he had any traces of artificial grooming. Later, it was discovered that his nature was like this, and the world was so small that he couldn't even pretend.

In addition, it was observed that he is quite smart, not only learns things very quickly, but also always quickly gets the meaning and meaning of others, and then responds in a funny and humorous way. I not only enjoy listening to him sing, but also listening to him speak and interacting with people. Despite his mild-tempered appearance, his business ability to complain about others is also top-notch. But he has a very good grasp of the proportion of words that are offensive, effective, and not offended.

I think this is also the advantage of introverts, who are more sensitive to people and things, and less aggressive than uncomfortable. Zhou Shen, on the other hand, is only conscientiously living out his own personality, conditions and characteristics to the extreme.

What's wrong with being called by fans: "Zhou Shen marry me"? Really genius super funny 😆

When I went out to the society earlier, I was more likely to be attracted by people with strong aura, strong personality and distinctive personal charm. I always thought that the strength is the only one who is strong, and that you have to be loud and loud to be seen, but as more and more people meet all kinds of people, and after seeing more and different possibilities, now I know more: it turns out, The gentleness of not fighting or robbing, and being kind to others, can also be so meaningful.

His excellence is not aggressive, so it is easy to be accepted;

His strength is not sharp, so it is easy to convince people.

Because Zhou Shen's strength is not to overpower others, more often, he is to fulfill others.

Picture taken from the Internet

In this modern world that pays attention to packaging, scrambles, or you die or I die, "sincere" seems to mean going to the battlefield without weapons, and showing the character of reverse operation is undoubtedly an adventure. But then again, such as caring, such as respect, such as kindness, hasn't it always been a personality that can really touch people's hearts, make people feel warm, and want to be close?

In the beginning, Zhou Shen was an anti-mainstream and anti-market requirement. Looking at the songs he sang, the keys were high and difficult to sing, and they did not meet the standard that popular songs must be easy to understand and sing in order to be popular.

However, along the way, he has accepted his uniqueness, and has also optimized the highly sensitive side of his personality, coupled with the sensitivity of language expression and caring about others, and integrated it into a powerful survival weapon.

Although he is good at imitating, he did not turn himself into someone else, but used his gentleness, tolerance, and humor to gradually penetrate us, making his own special to the extreme and unparalleled, and finally, breaking all the established The customary rules, he himself, became the mainstream.

Such a Zhou Shen, so beautiful and powerful, however, he is not yet 30 years old. (It's so scary~~~ come again 😆)

Innate personality is really not the reason for whether you can do certain jobs well or live your life well. Your expectations for life, your requirements for yourself, and your view of the world are the key.

I really like the song "Rose Boy" . The combination of Zhou Shen and Zhou Yan Gai, both of them appear to be quite powerful due to the emotional substitution of their own experiences, and the recoil is super strong. Especially if you've ever struggled with being told "you're not like us", please, take it with care.

In 2022, Zhou Shen + Zhou Yan Gai "Rose Boy" * Gai is also super cool, very rapper with attitude and good singing.

We all say roses are nice, but watch out for their thorns. However, how come no one seems to have asked the rose if it needs thorns? _ Zhou Shen

How can gentleness have no power? I, and many other people, have been clearly hit by such power. It doesn't hurt, but it hits the soul directly. It's not the kind of passion, but it lasts forever.

Dedicated to every one of you who is different and who was not confident before.

👁️ ps If you accidentally missed the last episode, please see here

🌹I'm Aisha's knot-crossover career planning consultant. Through the pursuit and turning of your career, you are getting closer and closer to the life you want, and it can also help you move towards the life you want.

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